[過去ログ] エアライン板自治スレ2014-2【地域名導入議論中2】 (815レス)
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(3): 2014/10/23(木)04:14 ID:tzLpvOxF0(1/2) AAS
Hi, Jim-san.

Here, we confirm that the discussion (whether the prefecture names of the contributors in this BBS should be displayed at the end of the submitter’s name or not)
has been FINISHED as a result of the abortion of the discussion by the proposer. (He couldn’t show us the detailed scheme on his plan.)
For the convenience of your understanding what happened here, I show here the new summary of the discussions.
And more, you need to pay attention to the suspicion that a single person represented plural statements of the agreement in the discussion here by using plural IDs.


Part 1/2.

The person, who wants to change BBS settings to show the prefecture name for each every one of the BBS contributors here, claimed as shown here.
(1) He said “New aspects of this BBS might be discovered.”
*Note: However, it is pointless, and this idea is so subjective.
(3): 2014/10/23(木)04:18 ID:tzLpvOxF0(2/2) AAS
Part 2/2.

To above comments, we point out the following articles…
(A) The person who wants to change BBS configuration has varied the reason why he acts so sometimes.
At first, he showed the depression of the internet trolls as a reason. However, he has changed the reasons
when someone illustrated that changing BBS configuration would NOT be effective in the depression.
Furthermore, he cannot show even the definitions of “the unfavorable behaviors” or “the internet trolls in this BBS”,
and he is not able to show the concrete instances of “the unfavorable behaviors” or ”the internet trolls in this BBS”.
His behaviors are double-tonged and suspicious.
(B) He claimed that elimination of the idiot comments depending on the places is primary reason for the change.
However, he himself posts idiot comments, in which he labels somebodies by their living places or their IDs in this thread.
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