元気のミナもと☆中野美奈子Part81 (1001レス)
元気のミナもと☆中野美奈子Part81 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/
812: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 15:09:47 ID:SohN3VCi 中野アナ綺麗でもないのにイバルし、表現がオバー過ぎ、 毎朝聞いて聞き取りづらいし、なんとかならんかね 。あれでも慶応か?慶応の人が泣いてるよ。ミス慶応とか、みんなの 目が三角だよ。 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/812
813: 名無しがお伝えします [sage] 2005/04/21(木) 16:19:04 ID:iVA+d1zx オバー http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/813
814: 名無しがお伝えします [sage] 2005/04/21(木) 16:23:42 ID:BOKbHquH >>788 昨日UPを切望した者です。神様UP様激しく感謝 >>797 毎度お世話になります >>810 (*^ー゜)b GJ ! 最後の1枚、みなぽんは似合ってるね。 大塚サンは悪徳不動産屋みなたいだw http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/814
815: 名無しがお伝えします [sage] 2005/04/21(木) 17:22:28 ID:gbJzdyqz 以前みなぽんはインタビューの極意で、相手が話し易いように まず自分のことを話すって言った。 昨日の暴露話はゲストのひなのから話を引き出すための 仕事の一環だよ。 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/815
816: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 17:35:40 ID:cSKzvAWu >>812 慶応の後輩は皆、中野を応援しているけど何か? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/816
817: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 18:27:51 ID:Pifl2UyT >>816 痛いなお前 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/817
818: 名無しがお伝えします [sage] 2005/04/21(木) 18:33:23 ID:OmM4nXu5 自演乙 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/818
819: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 18:42:00 ID:+5DG+QOt 慶応は身内びいきが激しいのである意味本当だろうな http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/819
820: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 18:44:34 ID:qzezluur 「モーニング5」元バスケ部のみなたんとNBAプレイオフを生観戦したいニャ〜。。 「深く眠りパッと起きたとき一瞬どこにいるかわからないときないですか?」 との問いかけをアミーゴに「ない!」と一蹴されるみなたん^^ でもその直後のしょぼくれてたはずのみなたんも見たかった。。 「ミナコのひとネタ」みなたんのVTRブヒもといVTRフリ^^ でも欲をいえば、7時台の森さん?のように みなたんにもハイテンションなナレーションをしてほしかったブー 次回以降の動物ネタのときに期待なのニャ!! そしていずれはめざどのにゃんこコーナーも担当なのニャ!!^^ 「ミナもと」一度は若干サイズで上回るアヤパンにブロックを喰らうも 必殺「自らとーる!」リバウンド、そしてクイックリリースの ブザービーター!!さすがクラッチダジャラーみなたん!!^^ 「トロ占い」自分のミスに自分でウケるみなたん萌え〜^^ みなたんは笑い声も女子アナ界トップクラスの萌え度を誇るのニャ〜^^ 「早耳トレンド」パンダそのもの、もといモデルな大門グラサン姿の みなたん激萌え〜^^ これで上野のリンリンとシュアンシュアンにもコウノトリなのニャ!!!!! ところで、キングトーンズといえば、山下達郎さん 達郎さんといえば竹善さん。。 そう音楽も温故知新なので松浦亜弥とか森高千里も別にいいけど 大塚さんのボケにも実はみなたん 「あっそれ、全部英語で歌えます!」ってマジモードで返すことぐらい 朝飯前だったら超嬉しいニャ〜。。 やはりまたどっか調子悪いのか暴走気味の大画面と それに苦戦するアミーゴにややウケ気味のみなたん^^ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/820
821: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 18:45:18 ID:hw1LCVqD 慶応は身内びいきが多いので当然だろうとは思うけど キモチ悪い http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/821
822: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 18:50:21 ID:18xzRsph ここも慶応のOBの書き込みでいっぱいで 見ているやつもケイオーばっかりか? ここのレベルは ケ イ オ ー ク オ リ テ ィ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/822
823: 名無しがお伝えします [sage] 2005/04/21(木) 19:11:04 ID:VSjYulSe インプラントむきだしでキモイよ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/823
824: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 19:13:06 ID:q/LiK+PW その発言は全国の歯医者を敵にすると思われ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/824
825: 名無しがお伝えします [sage] 2005/04/21(木) 19:18:27 ID:H88MAWJF 歯も目も整形 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/825
826: 名無しがお伝えします [sage] 2005/04/21(木) 19:22:45 ID:OmM4nXu5 歯は矯正 強制器具付けてたってよ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/826
827: 名無しがお伝えします [sage] 2005/04/21(木) 19:30:45 ID:hlw4kfeG test http://para-site.net/up/data/2181.mpg http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/827
828: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 19:46:52 ID:tVvAMTWJ Askul, a mail-order company dealing in stationery and office supplies, was awarded the Porter Prize in December by Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy. This prize is named after Harvard professor Michael E. Porter, known for his study of competitive strategy. A Hitotsubashi University spokesman said Askul won this award for introducing “an entirely new value” to the industry. The company name in Japanese is written in the katakana phonetic syllabary. It reads “asu kuru,” which means “it comes tomorrow.” True to its name, Askul guarantees next-day delivery. But this in itself is nothing original. Askul succeeded because it focused its target on medium and small companies that had no dealings with specific suppliers, and defined its position clearly as a supply agent for such companies. This was just the sort of service that freed companies from the hassle of maintaining and replenishing their stocks of office supplies. http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/828
829: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 19:47:48 ID:tVvAMTWJ The reverse side of America's $1 bill shows an unfinished pyramid, representing part of the Great Seal of the United States. Muslims in Egypt could well find the design provocative. Why pick the pyramid, pride of Egyptian civilization? People across the Arab world view this as evidence that the United States, a country which many Arabs see as acting in the guise of “savior,” is plotting to conquer the entire world. A more detailed discussion on the subject can be found in Satoshi Ikeuchi's book “Gendai Arab no Shakai Shiso” (Social Thought of Contemporary Arabs), a paperback published by Kodansha. Ikeuchi is the recipie The habit of seeing conspiracies behind every event leads many Arabs to contend that the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States were carried out by Israel in a plot to heap worldwid Looking at things through the prism of conspiracy is by no means an Arab monopoly. McCarthyism, equated with a campaign to hunt Communists in post-World War II America, was conceived an d executed by those with similarly perverse views. Contending that communism w Conspiracy theories blaming Jews for everything that goes wrong persist, not only in the Arab world, but elsewhere. People find such theories useful because they offer a way to hold others responsible for all evils and because they provide a simple explanation for complex matters. http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/829
830: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 19:48:43 ID:tVvAMTWJ The reverse side of America's $1 bill shows an unfinished pyramid, representing part of the Great Seal of the United States. Muslims in Egypt could well find the design provocative. Why pick the pyramid, pride of Egyptian civilization? People across the Arab world view this as evidence that the United States, a country which many Arabs see as acting in the guise of “savior,” is plotting to conquer the entire world. A more detailed discussion on the subject can be found in Satoshi Ikeuchi's book “Gendai Arab no Shakai Shiso” (Social Thought of Contemporary Arabs), a paperback published by Kodansha. Ikeuchi is the recipie The habit of seeing conspiracies behind every event leads many Arabs to contend that the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States were carried out by Israel in a plot to heap worldwid Looking at things through the prism of conspiracy is by no means an Arab monopoly. McCarthyism, equated with a campaign to hunt Communists in post-World War II America, was conceived an d executed by those with similarly perverse views. Contending that communism w Conspiracy theories blaming Jews for everything that goes wrong persist, not only in the Arab world, but elsewhere. People find such theories useful because they offer a way to hold others responsible for all evils and because they provide a simple explanation for complex matters. http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/830
831: 名無しがお伝えします [] 2005/04/21(木) 20:05:15 ID:BtKN5QS/ 慶応義塾の総力を結集した結果がこれ 広末並みの低レベル http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1112627767/831
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