[過去ログ] 吉田恵さんがミズノの御曹司・水野英人さんと離婚 (391レス)
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46: 2012/05/16(水)23:21:05.76 ID:NbbN0HiMO携(2/2) AAS
177: 2012/06/05(火)18:04:58.76 ID:C0RvyGaa0(8/14) AAS
The Kanematsu Pathology Institute, Sydney Hospital 外部リンク[aspx]:www.kanematsu.co.jp
Construction of the institute was begun in 1929 after receipt of a donation from
Kanematsu, and completed in 1933. The history of Kanematsu is inextricably bound
up with Australia, as Company founder Fusajiro Kanematsu in 1989 established
Kanematsu’s predecessor company as a specialist Japan-Australia trading house.
Fusajiro Kanematsu, who passed away in 1913, was not only responsible for building
the foundations of trade between Japan and Australia, he also made a number of
significant contributions to Australian society. During the Second World War, the
Australian government prohibited the use of Japanese names for products,
businesses and so on, as it was the language of the enemy.
219: 2012/07/17(火)15:19:04.76 ID:DvDVTlElO携(1) AAS
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

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