[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.37 (1002レス)

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227: (ワッチョイ 7f94-6nf+) 2019/01/31(木)23:11 ID:9Yuw/OAj0(1) AAS

I think that this strong will of President Trump is the driving force that can make a remnant feat in history.

I have been interested in the technology industry until now and I was not interested in American politics at all.
However, it was strongly noticed that President Trump 's bold change in the national strategy
of the United States will change the times. I am grateful to the president who taught me the new perspective of the world.

I strongly believe that the president's own foresight and intuition are the most important things.
Sometimes it is sometimes lonely, like the New Year's holiday.Still, Please penetrate through The President's own will.

I think that penetrating a strong will will change the world and start to see signs that can become a fact remaining in history,
it is like what I sent to the White House. And a wonderful understanders like the United States appears.
It is my experience as a citizen.

President Trump is advocating a just argument, but the perception of the world is had too critical opinions,
so I wanted to tell by all means. I support the president.

With all due respect, President Trump, good luck with the President's work today.

God bless President and the United States of America.
Twitterリンク:5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
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