[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.37 (1002レス)
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838(2): (ワッチョイ bf94-H7Ii) 2019/02/18(月)01:28 ID:2hb5qzyN0(2/4) AAS
If the Trump administration had not changed the national strategy to 'American first principles', US downfalls by the above attacks.
Inviting excessive military power domination and rise of empire in the third world, such as Russia, China, Iran and so on,
I concerne that the world order will collapse, it will be a World War Third with a different flow from globalization and free tradeism.
As Vice President Pence and Ivanka Senior Advisor to the President say, I think that US should continue to communicate
that 'America's first principle' does not indicate the inward policy of the United States.
Dear all at Trump administrasion who attended international conferences in European countries, I hope everything went well.
Please come back to Washington D.C. safely.
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