[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.37 (1002レス)

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892: (ワッチョイ ff94-H7Ii) 2019/02/19(火)21:14 ID:8X0bED+h0(1) AAS

President, I heard that the secretariat of Concacaf
(Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football) is in Trump Tower.

After being retired from the president in 2025, if the honorary president of the 2026 FIFA World Cup tournament
in the United States will also be worked, the citizens of the United States who are able to see President Trump 's success again
can be pleased.

Is President Trump interested in FIFA World Cup?


Ms. Ivanka, that is a good policy for America's industrial competitiveness to rise!

With all due respect, President Trump, good luck with the President's work today.

God bless President, Senior Advisor to the President and the United States of America.
Twitterリンク:5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
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