[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.37 (1002レス)

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974: (ワッチョイ f194-Us3F) 2019/02/23(土)00:54 ID:Z0v8O3h40(1) AAS
If in Bethesda, it solves on a weekly basis and a monthly basis level.
Wonder why this situetion happens to me while I get involved in a state crime
under the administrative rights of the Japanese government.
It is definitely a state crime.

I will write it in the upcoming letter to White House.

Most of the parts are complete, and if it will be assembled by the expert knowledge of the American expert,
I definitely return to the original.
These studies should eventually lead to market development of about 5.7 billion US dollars.

Because this assembling is not possible in Japan, recent situetion is a misery, but this is not a bad situation.
But if this situation continues, in Japan I will definitely lose my life .

The fact that I will stay in Japan no more is a waste of time. It is to endanger my life.
for that reason, I hope to be receipted the US government approval sooner.

Because not content that can be written in Japanese, Please forgive me for bitches in English.
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