[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.38 (1002レス)
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634(1): (ワッチョイ eb94-UtTO) 2019/03/08(金)21:57 ID:b9tL2ovJ0(1) AAS
President, Japan's fake news media (NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)) has produced interesting things.
Please use it if it is contents that can be advantageously used for the Trump regime.
If you are interested, Please listen in the surroundings.
After the US government passed my application and I went to America, I decided to look for an American girlfriend
and a future American wife. I would be pleased if you could introduce it.
I support President Trump.
Because I am strongly convinced that MAGA will be realized only by the President's and your administration's policy.
God bless President, your administration and the United States of America.
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