[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.38 (1002レス)

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64: (ワッチョイ 3d94-Us3F) 2019/02/24(日)23:07 ID:/A6r44qL0(2/2) AAS
I was wrong. I'm sorry.

(During permanent residence if possible) ->
(During permanent residence as citizenship holding if possible)

I have no intention of returning to Japan anymore.
Any chance I need returning to Japan for my parents' funeral or work,
I will surely take the federal government's permission.

If I will be not able to get permission, I will not definitely regret.
Because for "To not die" I am going to the United States.
I don't mind that US goverment interpret my application as asylum.

I hope to be done the application approval sooner.
あと 938 レスあります
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