[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.38 (1002レス)

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71: (ワッチョイ ea94-Us3F) 2019/02/25(月)03:51 ID:2ms52LNf0(1) AAS

President, you are good at jokes.

North Korea hoped for direct negotiations with the United States, and the regime guarantee
of US goverment was a national policy.
The nucleus was meaningful as a tool for that. Especially since it became Mr. Kim Jung-eun.

Recently a media reported that he purged dozens of executives claiming nuclear possession,
but I think that there is no intention to hold a nuclear if economic development is guaranteed.
The reason why progress of denuclearization does not proceed,
I feel the possibility that he can not convince his regime executives.

North Korea has rare metals that is also estimated to be 3 trillion dollars, the United States also has it needed
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