[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.38 (1002レス)
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847(1): (ワッチョイ 1e94-UtTO) 2019/03/13(水)00:53 ID:J0616G8H0(1/2) AAS
President Trump is such a point of view is really sharp.
The B-52 and so on are likely to be used for nearly 100 years,
but if you look at the military aircraft etc used for nearly half a century by the US Department of Defense,
I think it is as the president pointed out.
I like technology, but I don't think that the science fiction-like future that Silicon Valley draws will come soon.
Has Google Glass replaced your smartphone? Over-expected expectations for future technologies,
such as self-driving cars, are dangerous.
That is why I think it makes sense the president's domestic return of manufacturing and the creation of employment.
848(1): (ワッチョイ 1e94-UtTO) 2019/03/13(水)00:57 ID:J0616G8H0(2/2) AAS
I was wrong. I'm sorry.
Trump's intuition and foresight seems to be really amazing. ->
President Trump's intuition and foresight seems to be really amazing.
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