[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.38 (1002レス)
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776(1): (ワッチョイ 1294-UtTO) 2019/03/11(月)22:20 ID:2w6/YSs30(1) AAS
President, recently the public opinion of Japan has changed obviously.
Voluntarily, Japan are beginning to revise the diplomatic stance that dependences the United States,
such as negotiating with North Korea. For the United States, allies are important.
However, for the United States, we believe that our allies should be able to rely on America,
not to look after them all, but to demand a fair burden and to help each other.
But for America the allies should not depend on America to dependent everything, US should request a appropriate burden.
I think that it should be mutually beneficial.
General Matisse and his supporters were great career officers.
However, President Trump's last year 's judgment is correct, and I think that' s why this kind of result is coming out.
In their view of the world, the United States will go bankrupt at its excessive burden.
778(1): (ワッチョイ 1294-UtTO) 2019/03/11(月)22:47 ID:6Vxch8jo0(1) AAS
I was wrong. I'm sorry.
However, for the United States, we believe that our allies should be able to rely on America,
not to look after them all, but to demand a fair burden and to help each other.
But for America the allies should not depend on America to dependent everything, US should request a appropriate burden.
I think that it should be mutually beneficial. ->
But for America the allies should not depend on America to dependent everything, US should request a appropriate burden.
I think that it should be mutually beneficial.
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