[過去ログ] わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.38 (1002レス)
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(1): (ワッチョイ ff94-59PO) 2019/03/15(金)19:36 ID:gxN/aySx0(1/2) AAS
Vice President, With the greatest respect, I think it would be better to take a statement
to denounce the "extreme thought" for the Incident of NZ.
Toward 2020, I also feel the possibility of being told something by the media.

The Trump administration has already left great achievements and results, such as rebuilding the United States,
through the improvement of unequal relations with MAGA and allies.
Unlike in 2016, I think that President Trump will be able to fight the presidential election as a mainstream.

Strengthening border security, strengthening security in the country, and migrant exclusion are other issues.
I would appreciate if the administration could consider counterplans to prevent President Trump from being said badly.

Because President Trump's achievements in fundamentally changing the American national strategy
and protecting the United States from a decline like Britain, I think it is great and appreciated.
(1): (ワッチョイ ff94-59PO) 2019/03/15(金)19:43 ID:gxN/aySx0(2/2) AAS
I was wrong. I'm sorry.

The Trump administration has already left great achievements and results, such as rebuilding the United States,
through the improvement of unequal relations with MAGA and allies. ->

The Trump administration has already left great achievements and results, MAGA and such as rebuilding the United States,
through the improvement of unequal relations with allies.
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