[過去ログ] TBS★皆川玲奈 Vol.34★はやドキ! 報道特集 (1002レス)
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19: (SG 0H4f-IgkE) 2021/09/07(火)06:16 ID:lhXwiS59H(1) AAS
Profile of Reina Minagawa
TBS announcer. Joined the company in 2014.
Graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University.
Belonged to the sports club automobile club when he was in college.
Remodeled a used car within the rules and participated in a race at the circuit.
It has a track record of 1st place in the Kanto tournament and 3rd place in the national tournament,
and also holds a domestic A-class license.
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