プラスティック・メモリーズ 47 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (1001レス)
プラスティック・メモリーズ 47 [転載禁止]©2ch.net http://mastiff.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1435291977/
1: 風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止 [sage] 2015/06/26(金) 13:12:57.34 ID:IDNgABPE0 デジタルな記憶の中から生まれるラブストーリー ――――――――――――――――注意事項――――――――――――――― ・【※実況厳禁】実況行為は各実況板で行いましょう。 ・法律に違反する画像や投稿動画の話題、URL貼りは厳禁。 ・荒らし、煽りは徹底放置。→削除依頼:http://qb.2ch.net/saku/ ・sage進行推奨。メール欄に半角小文字で「sage」と記入。 ・次スレは>>950が宣言してから立てること。無理ならば代理人を指名すること。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ◇ON AIR(TV放送&ネット配信) TOKYO MX 2015年4月4日(土)より 毎週土曜24:30〜 放送開始 とちぎテレビ 2015年4月4日(土)より 毎週土曜24:30〜 放送開始 群馬テレビ. 2015年4月4日(土)より 毎週土曜24:30〜 放送開始 チバテレビ 2015年4月4日(土)より 毎週土曜24:30〜 放送開始 テレ玉 2015年4月4日(土)より 毎週土曜24:30〜 放送開始 tvk 2015年4月4日(土)より 毎週土曜24:30〜 放送開始 BS11. 2015年4月4日(土)より 毎週土曜24:30〜 放送開始 AT-X 2015年4月4日(土)より 毎週土曜24:30〜 放送開始 ※毎週日曜20:30〜、毎週火曜16:30〜、毎週金曜8:30〜 週4回放送(毎週土曜更新) 三重テレビ. 2015年4月7日(火)より 毎週火曜25:00〜 放送開始 岐阜放送 2015年4月7日(火)より 毎週火曜24:20〜 放送開始 朝日放送 2015年4月8日(水)より 毎週水曜26:14〜 放送開始 ニコニコ生放送 2015年4月9日(木) 22:00〜(以降毎週木曜22:00〜) ニコニコチャンネル . 2015年4月9日(木) 22:30〜(以降毎週木曜22:30〜) GYAO 2015年4月10日(金) 12:00〜 バンダイチャネル. 2015年4月10日(金) 12:00〜 dアニメストア 2015年4月10日(金) 12:00〜 ◇前スレ プラスティック・メモリーズ 46 http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1434815965/ http://mastiff.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1435291977/1
2: 風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止 [] 2015/06/26(金) 13:17:38.41 ID:VJPwJMGEO 5時間目消費してないのにたてるな、バカ http://mastiff.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1435291977/2
3: 風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止 [sage] 2015/06/26(金) 13:21:03.93 ID:jn18MX+m0 >OS入れ替えたはずなのに何故か記憶が残っているアイラには違和感を感じた >それを素直に喜ぶツカサも意味不明すぎる >つーか先行上映上って結構狭いのね。 ネタバレきたあああああああああああああああ http://mastiff.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1435291977/3
4: 風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止 [sage] 2015/06/26(金) 13:23:31.19 ID:jTG8Tz1L0 CHAPTER ONE LUCY LOOKS INTO A WARDROBE ONCE there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story is about something that happened to them when they were sent away from London during the war because of the air-raids. They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station and two miles from the nearest post office. He had no wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper called Mrs Macready and three servants. (Their names were Ivy, Margaret and Betty, but they do not come into the story much.) He himself was a very old man with shaggy white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head, and they liked him almost at once; but on the first evening when he came out to meet them at the front door he was so odd-looking that Lucy (who was the youngest) was a little afraid of him, and Edmund (who was the next youngest) wanted to laugh and had to keep on pretending he was blowing his nose to hide it. As soon as they had said good night to the Professor and gone upstairs on the first night, the boys came into the girls' room and they all talked it over. "We've fallen on our feet and no mistake," said Peter. "This is going to be perfectly splendid. That old chap will let us do anything we like." http://mastiff.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1435291977/4
5: 風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止 [sage] 2015/06/26(金) 13:24:17.28 ID:jTG8Tz1L0 "Oh, come off it!" said Edmund, who was tired and pretending not to be tired, which always made him bad-tempered. "Don't go on talking like that." "Like what?" said Susan; "and anyway, it's time you were in bed." "Trying to talk like Mother," said Edmund. "And who are you to say when I'm to go to bed? Go to bed yourself." "Hadn't we all better go to bed?" said Lucy. "There's sure to be a row if we're heard talking here." "No there won't," said Peter. "I tell you this is the sort of house where no one's going to mind what we do. Anyway, they won't hear us. It's about ten minutes' walk from here down to that dining-room, and any amount of stairs and passages in between." http://mastiff.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1435291977/5
6: 風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止 [sage] 2015/06/26(金) 13:24:20.72 ID:ljBj+i5Y0 ◆車くん・車アスペ・車トンスル、とは ・名前の由来:「ギフティアは車より飛行機より安全!銃より原発より安全!オラウータンにも人権がある!」という持論から ・ほぼ毎日スレに粘着し、ガバガバ言う奴やツッコミを入れる奴を、アンチ呼ばわりする ・SAIや第一は悪くない!契約者や闇回収だけが悪い!というのも特徴 ・「それはお前の主観だろ!」とよく言うが、それがブーメランになっていると気付いていない ・何を言っても否定、攻撃のどちらかで、上から目線で自分以外の常識は受け入れない ・バレバレな自演を平気でする&自演言われても白を切る、厚顔無恥 ・擁護しかしない奴、とにかく褒めるだけの奴も要チェック。彼の別IDの可能性が大 ・「最初から分かってる欠陥は欠陥じゃなくて仕様!」等、一般人には理解できない迷言を吐きまくる ・ファビョりだすとすぐ「キチガイはアンチスレでやってろ!」と喚き出す 今までは、2回線で続投・1回線でIDコロコロというパターンが多い スルーされるようになると、寂しさのあまりIDコロコロを多用したり自演するようになったりもする 特定ワードや持論が多く、特定は割と容易。こいつが居る時と居ない時では、スレの流れが全く違うのも笑いどころ ※ガバメモと同じで、彼にツッコミを入れたくなる気持ちは非常に良く分かりますが、落ち着いて参考を読みましょう スルー出来ないと、全く同じ問答を何度も何度も、ひたすら繰り返す羽目になります! ガバ作者同様、世間知らず&常識はずれなので! はっきり言って、この常識の通じないアスペをまともに相手をするだけ時間と労力とスレの無駄!なので! ●参考 ttp://hissi.org/read.php/anime/20150604/MlR2cnp1SEsw.html ttp://hissi.org/read.php/anime/20150604/WS9rZGR5RkIw.html ttp://hissi.org/read.php/anime/20150604/c3oxeGJUa20w.html ttp://hissi.org/read.php/anime/20150604/SlhnM291SHEw.html ttp://hissi.org/read.php/anime/20150611/bnFWMWJZOEww.html ←NEW!! ttp://hissi.org/read.php/anime/20150611/Z2dPU3duY2ww.html ←NEW!! ■画像まとめ。2個ずつ見るといいかもなので! ttp://i.imgur.com/YSEM6rf.jpg http://mastiff.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1435291977/6
7: 風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止 [sage] 2015/06/26(金) 13:24:41.69 ID:jTG8Tz1L0 "What's that noise?" said Lucy suddenly. It was a far larger house than she had ever been in before and the thought of all those long passages and rows of doors leading into empty rooms was beginning to make her feel a little creepy. "It's only a bird, silly," said Edmund. "It's an owl," said Peter. "This is going to be a wonderful place for birds. I shall go to bed now. I say, let's go and explore tomorrow. You might find anything in a place like this. Did you see those mountains as we came along? And the woods? There might be eagles. There might be stags. There'll be hawks." "Badgers!" said Lucy. "Foxes!" said Edmund. "Rabbits!" said Susan. But when next morning came there was a steady rain falling, so thick that when you looked out of the window you could see neither the mountains nor the woods nor even the stream in the garden. "Of course it would be raining!" said Edmund. They had just finished their breakfast with the Professor and were upstairs in the room he had set apart for them - a long, low room with two windows looking out in one direction and two in another. "Do stop grumbling, Ed," said Susan. "Ten to one it'll clear up in an hour or so. And in the meantime we're pretty well off. There's a wireless and lots of books." http://mastiff.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1435291977/7
8: 風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止 [sage] 2015/06/26(金) 13:25:16.05 ID:jTG8Tz1L0 "Not for me"said Peter; "I'm going to explore in the house." Everyone agreed to this and that was how the adventures began. It was the sort of house that you never seem to come to the end of, and it was full of unexpected places. The first few doors they tried led only into spare bedrooms, as everyone had expected that they would; but soon they came to a very long room full of pictures and there they found a suit of armour; and after that was a room all hung with green, with a harp in one corner; and then came three steps down and five steps up, and then a kind of little upstairs hall and a door that led out on to a balcony, and then a whole series of rooms that led into each other and were lined with books - most of them very old books and some bigger than a Bible in a church. And shortly after that they looked into a room that was quite empty except for one big wardrobe; the sort that has a looking-glass in the door. There was nothing else in the room at all except a dead blue-bottle on the window-sill. "Nothing there!" said Peter, and they all trooped out again - all except Lucy. She stayed behind because she thought it would be worth while trying the door of the wardrobe, even though she felt almost sure that it would be locked. To her surprise it opened quite easily, and two moth-balls dropped out. http://mastiff.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1435291977/8
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