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40: 2015/06/26(金)14:31 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(36/59) AAS
"I think Lu ought to be the leader," said Peter; "goodness knows she deserves it. Where
will you take us, Lu?"
"What about going to see Mr Tumnus?" said Lucy. "He's the nice Faun I told you about."
Everyone agreed to this and off they went walking briskly and stamping their feet. Lucy
proved a good leader. At first she wondered whether she would be able to find the way,
but she recognized an oddlooking tree on one place and a stump in another and brought
them on to where the ground became uneven and into the little valley and at last to the
very door of Mr Tumnus's cave. But there a terrible surprise awaited them.
The door had been wrenched off its hinges and broken to bits. Inside, the cave was dark
and cold and had the damp feel and smell of a place that had not been lived in for several
41: 2015/06/26(金)14:32 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(37/59) AAS
"Is there anything written on it?" asked Susan.
"Yes, I think there is," answered Peter, "but I can't read it in this light. Let's get out into
the open air."
They all went out in the daylight and crowded round Peter as he read out the following
The former occupant of these premises, the Faun Tumnus, is under arrest and awaiting
his trial on a charge of High Treason against her Imperial Majesty Jadis, Queen of
Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Islands, etc., also of comforting
her said Majesty's enemies, harbouring spies and fraternizing with Humans.
signed MAUGRIM, Captain of the Secret Police, LONG LIVE THE QUEEN
42: 2015/06/26(金)14:34 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(38/59) AAS
"I - I wonder if there's any point in going on," said Susan. "I mean, it doesn't seem
particularly safe here and it looks as if it won't be much fun either. And it's getting colder
every minute, and we've brought nothing to eat. What about just going home?"
"Oh, but we can't, we can't," said Lucy suddenly; "don't you see? We can't just go home,
not after this. It is all on my account that the poor Faun has got into this trouble. He hid
me from the Witch and showed me the way back. That's what it means by comforting the
Queen's enemies and fraternizing with Humans. We simply must try to rescue him."
"A lot we could do! said Edmund, "when we haven't even got anything to eat!"
"Shut up - you!" said Peter, who was still very angry with Edmund. "What do you think,
43: 2015/06/26(金)14:35 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(39/59) AAS
"If only we knew where the poor chap was imprisoned!" said Peter.
They were all still wondering what to do next, when Lucy said, "Look! There's a robin,
with such a red breast. It's the first bird I've seen here. I say! - I wonder can birds talk in
Narnia? It almost looks as if it wanted to say something to us." Then she turned to the
Robin and said, "Please, can you tell us where Tumnus the Faun has been taken to?" As
she said this she took a step towards the bird. It at once flew away but only as far as to the
next tree. There it perched and looked at them very hard as if it understood all they had
been saying. Almost without noticing that they had done so, the four children went a step
or two nearer to it. At this the Robin flew away again to the next tree and once more
looked at them very hard. (You couldn't have found a robin with a redder chest or a
44: 2015/06/26(金)14:38 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(40/59) AAS
"Well, we might as well try it," answered Peter.
The Robin appeared to understand the matter thoroughly. It kept going from tree to tree,
always a few yards ahead of them, but always so near that they could easily follow it. In
this way it led them on, slightly downhill. Wherever the Robin alighted a little shower of
snow would fall off the branch. Presently the clouds parted overhead and the winter sun
came out and the snow all around them grew dazzlingly bright. They had been travelling
in this way for about half an hour, with the two girls in front, when Edmund said to Peter,
"if you're not still too high and mighty to talk to me, I've something to say which you'd
better listen to."
"What is it?" asked Peter.
45: 2015/06/26(金)14:39 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(41/59) AAS
"The Faun saved Lucy."
"He said he did. But how do we know? And there's another thing too. Has anyone the
least idea of the way home from here?"
"Great Scott!" said Peter, "I hadn't thought of that."
"And no chance of dinner either," said Edmund.
WHILE the two boys were whispering behind, both the girls suddenly cried "Oh!" and
"The robin!" cried Lucy, "the robin. It's flown away." And so it had - right out of sight.
46: 2015/06/26(金)14:44 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(42/59) AAS
"Let's go home," said Susan. And then, though nobody said it out loud, everyone
suddenly realized the same fact that Edmund had whispered to Peter at the end of the last
chapter. They were lost.
"What's it like?" said Lucy.
"It's - it's a kind of animal," said Susan; and then, "Look! Look! Quick! There it is."
They all saw it this time, a whiskered furry face which had looked out at them from
behind a tree. But this time it didn't immediately draw back. Instead, the animal put its
paw against its mouth just as humans put their finger on their lips when they are
signalling to you to be quiet. Then it disappeared again. The children, all stood holding
their breath.
47: 2015/06/26(金)14:45 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(43/59) AAS
"Shan't we have to risk it?" said Susan. "I mean, it's no good just standing here and I feel
I want some dinner."
At this moment the Beaver again popped its head out from behind the tree and beckoned
earnestly to them.
"Come on," said Peter,"let's give it a try. All keep close together. We ought to be a match
for one beaver if it turns out to be an enemy."
So the children all got close together and walked up to the tree and in behind it, and there,
sure enough, they found the Beaver; but it still drew back, saying to them in a hoarse
throaty whisper, "Further in, come further in. Right in here. We're not safe in the open!"
Only when it had led them into a dark spot where four trees grew so close together that
48: 2015/06/26(金)14:53 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(44/59) AAS
That was what the others chiefly noticed, but Edmund noticed something else. A little
lower down the river there was another small river which came down another small
valley to join it. And looking up that valley, Edmund could see two small hills, and he
was almost sure they were the two hills which the White Witch had pointed out to him
when he parted from her at the lamp-post that other day. And then between them, he
thought, must be her palace, only a mile off or less. And he thought about Turkish
Delight and about being a King ("And I wonder how Peter will like that?" he asked
himself) and horrible ideas came into his head.
"Here we are," said Mr Beaver, "and it looks as if Mrs Beaver is expecting us. I'll lead the
way. But be careful and don't slip."
49: 2015/06/26(金)14:58 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(45/59) AAS
"Well," said Mr Beaver, "you can't exactly say for sure. But there's not many taken in
there that ever comes out again. Statues. All full of statues they say it is - in the courtyard
and up the stairs and in the hall. People she's turned" - (he paused and shuddered) "turned
into stone."
"But, Mr Beaver," said Lucy, "can't we - I mean we must do something to save him. It's
too dreadful and it's all on my account."
"I don't doubt you'd save him if you could, dearie," said Mrs Beaver, "but you've no
chance of getting into that House against her will and ever coming out alive."
"Couldn't we have some stratagem?" said Peter. "I mean couldn't we dress up as
something, or pretend to be - oh, pedlars or anything - or watch till she was gone out - oroh,
50: 2015/06/26(金)14:59 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(46/59) AAS
"Lord love you, Son of Adam, what a simple thing to say!" answered Mr Beaver with a
great laugh. "Turn him into stone? If she can stand on her two feet and look him in the
face it'll be the most she can do and more than I expect of her. No, no. He'll put all to
rights as it says in an old rhyme in these parts:
Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight,
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.
You'll understand when you see him."
"But shall we see him?" asked Susan.
51: 2015/06/26(金)15:02 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(47/59) AAS
"How perfectly dreadful!" said Susan as they at last came back in despair. "Oh, how I
wish we'd never come."
"What on earth are we to do, Mr Beaver?" said Peter.
"Do?" said Mr Beaver, who was already putting on his snow-boots, "do? We must be off
at once. We haven't a moment to spare!"
"We'd better divide into four search parties," said Peter, "and all go in different
directions. Whoever finds him must come back here at once and-"
"Search parties, Son of Adam?" said Mr Beaver; "what for?"
"Why, to look for Edmund, of course!"
"There's no point in looking for him," said Mr Beaver.
52: 2015/06/26(金)15:05 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(48/59) AAS
"Has he been in this country before?" asked Mr Beaver. "Has he ever been here alone?"
"Yes," said Lucy, almost in a whisper. "I'm afraid he has."
"And did he tell you what he'd done or who he'd met?"
"Well, no, he didn't," said Lucy.
"Then mark my words," said Mr Beaver, "he has already met the White Witch and joined
her side, and been told where she lives. I didn't like to mention it before (he being your
brother and all) but the moment I set eyes on that brother of yours I said to myself
`Treacherous'. He had the look of one who has been with the Witch and eaten her food.
You can always tell them if you've lived long in Narnia; something about their eyes."
"All the same," said Peter in a rather choking sort of voice, "we'll still have to go and
53: 2015/06/26(金)15:06 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(49/59) AAS
"Oh, can no one help us?" wailed Lucy.
"Only Aslan," said Mr Beaver, "we must go on and meet him. That's our only chance
"It seems to me, my dears," said Mrs Beaver, "that it is very important to know just when
he slipped away. How much he can tell her depends on how much he heard. For instance,
had we started talking of Aslan before he left? If not, then we may do very well, for she
won't know that Aslan has come to Narnia, or that we are meeting him, and will be quite
off her guard as far as that is concerned."
"I don't remember his being here when we were talking about Aslan -" began Peter, but
Lucy interrupted him.
54: 2015/06/26(金)15:07 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(50/59) AAS
The first thing he realized when he got outside and found the snow falling all round him,
was that he had left his coat behind in the Beavers' house. And of course there was no
chance of going back to get it now. The next thing he realized was that the daylight was
almost gone, for it had been nearly three o'clock when they sat down to dinner and the
winter days were short. He hadn't reckoned on this; but he had to make the best of it. So
he turned up his collar and shuffled across the top of the dam (luckily it wasn't so slippery
since the snow had fallen) to the far side of the river.
It was pretty bad when he reached the far side. It was growing darker every minute and
what with that and the snowflakes swirling all round him he could hardly see three feet
ahead. And then too there was no road. He kept slipping into deep drifts of snow, and
55: 2015/06/26(金)15:10 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(51/59) AAS
away and the moon came out. It was a full moon and, shining on all that snow, it made
everything almost as bright as day - only the shadows were rather confusing.
He would never have found his way if the moon hadn't come out by the time he got to the
other river you remember he had seen (when they first arrived at the Beavers') a smaller
river flowing into the great one lower down. He now reached this and turned to follow it
up. But the little valley down which it came was much steeper and rockier than the one he
had just left and much overgrown with bushes, so that he could not have managed it at all
in the dark. Even as it was, he got wet through for he had to stoop under branches and
great loads of snow came sliding off on to his back. And every time this happened he
thought more and more how he hated Peter - just as if all this had been Peter's fault.
56: 2015/06/26(金)15:10 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(52/59) AAS
Edmund crept up to the arch and looked inside into the courtyard, and there he saw a
sight that nearly made his heart stop beating. Just inside the gate, with the moonlight
shining on it, stood an enormous lion crouched as if it was ready to spring. And Edmund
stood in the shadow of the arch, afraid to go on and afraid to go back, with his knees
knocking together. He stood there so long that his teeth would have been chattering with
cold even if they had not been chattering with fear. How long this really lasted I don't
know, but it seemed to Edmund to last for hours.
Then at last he began to wonder why the lion was standing so still - for it hadn't moved
one inch since he first set eyes on it. Edmund now ventured a little nearer, still keeping in
the shadow of the arch as much as he could. He now saw from the way the lion was
57: 2015/06/26(金)15:11 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(53/59) AAS
He now saw that there was a dim light showing from a doorway on the far side of the
courtyard. He went to it; there was a flight of stone steps going up to an open door.
Edmund went up them. Across the threshold lay a great wolf.
"It's all right, it's all right," he kept saying to himself; "it's only a stone wolf. It can't hurt
me", and he raised his leg to step over it. Instantly the huge creature rose, with all the hair
bristling along its back, opened a great, red mouth and said in a growling voice:
"Who's there? Who's there? Stand still, stranger, and tell me who you are."
"If you please, sir," said Edmund, trembling so that he could hardly speak, "my name is
Edmund, and I'm the Son of Adam that Her Majesty met in the wood the other day and
I've come to bring her the news that my brother and sisters are now in Narnia - quite
58: 2015/06/26(金)15:13 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(54/59) AAS
"I'm come, your Majesty," said Edmund, rushing eagerly forward.
"How dare you come alone?" said the Witch in a terrible voice. "Did I not tell you to
bring the others with you?"
"Please, your Majesty," said Edmund, "I've done the best I can. I've brought them quite
close. They're in the little house on top of the dam just up the riverwith Mr and Mrs
A slow cruel smile came over the Witch's face.
"Is this all your news?" she asked.
"No, your Majesty," said Edmund, and proceeded to tell her all he had heard before
leaving the Beavers' house.
59: 2015/06/26(金)15:14 ID:jTG8Tz1L0(55/59) AAS
Now we must go back to Mr and Mrs Beaver and the three other children. As soon as Mr
Beaver said, "There's no time to lose," everyone began bundling themselves into coats,
except Mrs Beaver, who started picking up sacks and laying them on the table and said:
"Now, Mr Beaver, just reach down that ham. And here's a packet of tea, and there's sugar,
and some matches. And if someone will get two or three loaves out of the crock over
there in the corner."
"What are you doing, Mrs Beaver?" exclaimed Susan.
"Packing a load for each of us, dearie," said Mrs Beaver very coolly. "You didn't think
we'd set out on a journey with nothing to eat, did you?"
"But we haven't time!" said Susan, buttoning the collar of her coat. "She may be here any
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