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864(1): @無断転載は禁止 (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/) 2017/07/07(金)02:44 ID:AE3pC3DWd(11/32) AAS
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp
In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues
She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be 恋
あと 209 レスあります
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