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35: @無断転載は禁止 2016/08/08(月)22:47 ID:ZVpF4sZH0(1) AAS

Japan's Emperor Akihito has said he fears age and deteriorating health mean he is finding it difficult to continue in his role.
The revered 82-year-old emperor's comments came in his second-ever televised address to the public.
While he did not use the word "abdicate", he strongly indicated that he wishes to hand over his duties.
PM Shinzo Abe said the government would take the remarks "seriously" and discuss what could be done.
Akihito, who has had heart surgery and was treated for prostate cancer, has been on the throne in Japan since the death of his father, Hirohito, in 1989.
In his 10-minute pre-recorded message, he said he had "started to reflect" on his years as as emperor, and contemplate his position in the years to come.
If he were to abdicate, it would be the first time a Japanese emperor has stepped down since Emperor Kokaku in 1817.
The BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Tokyo says right wing nationalists who support Mr Abe's government do not want any change to the current law, which insists emperors must serve until they die.
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