[過去ログ] ソ連の対独戦勝は米英のレンドリースと戦略爆撃のお陰? (969レス)

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432: だつお ◆t0moyVbEXw 2015/07/08(水)08:19 ID:bzoN7qhb(1/4) AAS
The German War Economy
Study of German war production data as well as interrogation of those who were in charge of
rearmament at the time, leaves no doubt that until the defeat at Moscow German industry was
incompletely mobilized and that in fact Germany did not foresee the need for full economic mobilization.
German arms production during 1940 and 1941 was generally below that of Britain. When the full
meaning of the reverses at Moscow became apparent the German leaders called for all-out production.
The conquests of the previous years had greatly strengthened Germany's economy; with the exception
of oil and rubber, supplies of virtually all the previously scarce imported materials were or had become
accessible. Great reserves of foreign labor only awaited voluntary or forced recruitment. The industrial
plant of France, the Low Countries, Poland and Czechoslovakia had been added to that of Germany.
After the defeat at Moscow early in 1942, armament production increased rapidly. However,
such increase was more the result of improvements in industrial efficiency than of general economic
mobilization. Studies of German manpower utilization show that throughout the war a great deal of
German industry was on a single shift basis, relatively few German women (less than in the first war)
were drawn into industry and the average work week was below British standards.

>Great reserves of foreign labor only awaited voluntary or forced recruitment. The industrial
>plant of France, the Low Countries, Poland and Czechoslovakia had been added to that of Germany.

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