[過去ログ] ソ連の対独戦勝は米英のレンドリースと戦略爆撃のお陰? (969レス)

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657: 2016/08/22(月)10:53 ID:IWHihigM(1) AAS
Ernst Nolte, Historian Whose Views on Hitler Caused an Uproar, Dies at 93・・・
Professor Nolte, a respected scholar of fascism, provoked an ideological uproar in 1986 by suggesting
in an essay that Nazisim had been a logical response in Germany to an “existential threat” posed
by the Russian Revolution and its aftermath. He also argued that Hitler’s extermination of Jews
and other minorities was comparable to the mass murders engineered by Stalin in the Soviet Union,
where victims were singled out by economic and social class as enemies of the Communist state.・・・
and that the moral line between the “social extermination” of the Soviet gulags and the
“biological extermination” at Auschwitz was blurry.・・・ 
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