[過去ログ] ソ連の対独戦勝は米英のレンドリースと戦略爆撃のお陰? (969レス)
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6(2): 2014/01/10(金)21:05 ID:??? AAS
The break-down of German and Italian losses against American,
British, and French forces in the war in Europe follows:
Battle dead Permanently disabled Captured Total
Tunisia 19,600 19,000 130,000 168,600
Sicily 5,000 2,000 7,100 14,100
Italy 86,000 15,000 357,089 458,089
Western Front 263,000 49,000 7,614,794 7,926,794
Total 373,600 85,000 8,108,983 8,567,583
1 Includes 3,404,949 disarmed enemy forces.
The break-down of Japanese losses in the Eastern battlefronts,
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