[過去ログ] クリミア問題は、欧米人のロシア嫌いが原因だ [転載禁止]©2ch.net (34レス)
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4: 2014/12/06(土)01:23 ID:o7c4L7ar(1/3) AAS
Europe appears as the region where the most unfavourable views are found. Negative perceptions have increased by six
points in France and Germany to respectively 69 and 67 per cent (the highest and third highest proportions in the survey),
and by 7 points in the UK (64%, and the fourth highest proportion). Feelings have become frankly more dire among Spaniards
as well with 58 per cent who hold negative views (up 15 points) and 18 per cent only who lean favourably (down 12 points,
and the third lowest proportion of positive ratings in the survey). With 68 per cent of negative ratings, newly surveyed Israel
holds the second worst views towards Russia after France.
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