ビートルズで一番好きな曲は? (677レス)
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392: 2013/04/12(金)19:44:34.07 ID:???O携 AAS

(1): 2014/03/09(日)11:45:46.07 ID:6/FnFsLRO携(1) AAS
500: 2016/07/03(日)17:03:55.07 ID:LJoBHauH0(1/2) AAS
IN MY LIFEの間奏のオルガンバージョンもなかなかいいよね。フェイクだろうけど。
503: 2016/07/04(月)21:02:59.07 ID:wSOvAhPO0(2/2) AAS
We Can Work It Out
The Fool on the Hill
670: 01/20(月)22:11:55.07 ID:???0 AAS
John Lennon (1980)
He and I were staying somewhere and he walked in and hummed the first few bars, with the words, and he says,
'Where do I go from here?’ I had been listening to (blues singer) Nina Simone.
I think it was 'I Put A Spell On You.’
There was a line in it that went, 'I love you, I love you.’
That’s what made me think of the middle-eight for 'Michelle.’
So, my contributions to Paul’s songs was always to add a little bluesy edge to them.
Otherwise, 'Michelle’ is a straight ballad, right?
He provided a lightness, an optimism, while I would always go for the sadness, the discords, the bluesy notes.

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