[過去ログ] ▼ジークンドー▼截拳道▼ Part16 (1002レス)
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437: (ワッチョイ 9e2a-KThN []) 2023/02/22(水)19:45 ID:+JkUzltZ0(41/43) AAS
現在のジークンドーという「流派」はブルースを理解できなかった奥さんとその取り巻きが勝手に作ったエセ宗教です。出版された本もブルースが意図したものではありません。奥さんが彼のノートを集めて勝手にやったこと。(” Although Lee's material was utilized, it was not organized by him; therefore Bruce Lee was not strictly its author.[1] 参照 Tao of Jeet Kune Do wikipedia”
I have not invented a "new style,"composite, modified or otherwise that is set within distinct form as apart from "this" method or "that" method.
On the contrary, I hope to free my followers from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds.
Remember that Jeet Kune Do is merely a name used, a mirror in which to see "ourselves". . .
438: (ワッチョイ 9e2a-KThN []) 2023/02/22(水)19:45 ID:+JkUzltZ0(42/43) AAS
There are no prearranged sets or "kata" in the teaching of JKD, nor are they necessary. Consider the subtle difference between "having no form" and having "no form"; the first is ignorance, the second is transcendence. Through instinctive body feeling, each of us 'knows' our own most efficient and dynamic manner of achieving effective leverage, balance in motion, economical use of energy, etc. Patterns, techniques or forms touch only the fringe of genuine understanding.
439: (ワッチョイ 9e2a-KThN []) 2023/02/22(水)19:45 ID:+JkUzltZ0(43/43) AAS
Finally, a Jeet Kune Do man who says Jeet Kune Do is exclusively Jeet Kune Do is simply not with it.
そして最後に言っておきたいことですが、 ※ジークンドーの流派を名乗る人間がいたら、その人物はジークンドーと共に生きてはいないことを知ってほしい。
He is still hung up on his self-closing resistance, in this case,
anchored down to a reactionary pattern, and naturally is still bound by another modified pattern and can move within its limits.
保守的なパターンから逃れられず、 所詮おのずと何か別の改変されたパターンに縛られ、その動作には限界が生まれるでしょう。
He has not digested the simple fact that truth exists outside all molds; pattern and awareness is never exclusive.
Again let me remind you Jeet Kune Do is just a name used, a boat to get one across, and once across it is to be discarded and not to be carried on one's back.
再度言います。 ジークンドーとはただの「名前」、河を渡るためのボートのようなもの。川を渡り切ったら捨て去られるべきものであり、渡り切った後も背中に担いでいくものではありません。」
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