[過去ログ] □規制@PINK全体 (168レス)
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164: [bigot@fku.com] 2023/12/31(日)17:56 ID:YGzIk3DH0(1/2) AAS
What do you think about the fact nobody needs or loves your stupid board? I recommend you go fk yourself
165: [bigoit@fku.com] 2023/12/31(日)18:21 ID:YGzIk3DH0(2/2) AAS
You say "当該ISP様は対応をよろしくお願いいたします" because you think you own the internet. Celebrations for your clown world
166: 01/04(木)13:18 ID:sgg3BphA0(1) AAS
167: [bigot@fku.com] 02/01(木)01:47 ID:VSuYjFqK0(1) AAS
As you advertently created a free porn forum for anonymous users, things happen as is supposed to happen.
Then you abruptly demand random internet service companies, the total strangers that has never had a business with you, to make a special deal with their specific customer lol
You are utterly weird and childish.
168: 02/05(月)20:34 ID:uZrkDi250(1) AAS
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