[過去ログ] 懸賞板ネクシィーズのスレッド その5 (901レス)

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817: 2005/11/24(木)01:02 AAS
laden : Hey!, watch the TV program on the air !
follower : What happened?
laden : A flying airplane seems to have crushed onto the building in the US.
follower : Oh , boy! it seems so.
laden : It's so terrible as if i see the secne in a film.
follower : How is the world involved in if that causes of a war in a large scale?
laden : I don't know. but the US will never forgive the criminals of this incident.
follower : ・・・・
laden : What? What's the matter?
follower : I'm afraid but it seems you who is appearing in the video on TV , my master?
あと 84 レスあります
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