ジャズとしての藤井風 (313レス)
281: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)00:46 ID:??? AAS
Jazz board members, the old ASD is a mere pussy who doesn't even know about this famous incident that caused such a stir in the public.
Let's all laugh at him!
The old ASD is an uninformed person who has not checked the internet news, newspaper reports, news programmes, news programs, wide shows and weekly magazines.
He is the ultimate example of a person with poor information.
Oh, it's too embarrassing (big laugh).
↑Old ASDs should watch this, you weak-minded (chuckles)
The old ASD doesn't even have an English education because his educational background is a primary school graduate.
Furthermore, he can't even translate English into Japanese because he doesn't even know how to use a translation app (laugh).
Old ASD, if you feel frustrated, try reading this English sentence.
282: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)01:04 ID:??? AAS
Jazz board members, the old ASD is a mere pussy who doesn't even know about this famous incident that caused such a stir in the public.
Let's all laugh at him!
The old ASD is an uninformed person who has not checked the internet news, newspaper reports, news programmes, news programs, wide shows and weekly magazines.
He is the ultimate example of a person with poor information.
Oh, it's too embarrassing (big laugh).
↑Old ASDs should watch this, you weak-minded (chuckles)
The old ASD doesn't even have an English education because his educational background is a primary school graduate.
Furthermore, he can't even translate English into Japanese because he doesn't even know how to use a translation app (laugh).
Old ASD, if you feel frustrated, try reading this English sentence.
283: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)01:05 ID:??? AAS
Jazz board members, the old ASD is a mere pussy who doesn't even know about this famous incident that caused such a stir in the public.
Let's all laugh at him!
The old ASD is an uninformed person who has not checked the internet news, newspaper reports, news programmes, news programs, wide shows and weekly magazines.
He is the ultimate example of a person with poor information.
Oh, it's too embarrassing (big laugh).
↑Old ASDs should watch this, you weak-minded (chuckles)
The old ASD doesn't even have an English education because his educational background is a primary school graduate.
Furthermore, he can't even translate English into Japanese because he doesn't even know how to use a translation app (laugh).
Old ASD, if you feel frustrated, try reading this English sentence.
284: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)01:05 ID:??? AAS
Jazz board members, the old ASD is a mere pussy who doesn't even know about this famous incident that caused such a stir in the public.
Let's all laugh at him!
The old ASD is an uninformed person who has not checked the internet news, newspaper reports, news programmes, news programs, wide shows and weekly magazines.
He is the ultimate example of a person with poor information.
Oh, it's too embarrassing (big laugh).
↑Old ASDs should watch this, you weak-minded (chuckles)
The old ASD doesn't even have an English education because his educational background is a primary school graduate.
Furthermore, he can't even translate English into Japanese because he doesn't even know how to use a translation app (laugh).
Old ASD, if you feel frustrated, try reading this English sentence.
285: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)01:06 ID:??? AAS
Jazz board members, the old ASD is a mere pussy who doesn't even know about this famous incident that caused such a stir in the public.
Let's all laugh at him!
The old ASD is an uninformed person who has not checked the internet news, newspaper reports, news programmes, news programs, wide shows and weekly magazines.
He is the ultimate example of a person with poor information.
Oh, it's too embarrassing (big laugh).
↑Old ASDs should watch this, you weak-minded (chuckles)
The old ASD doesn't even have an English education because his educational background is a primary school graduate.
Furthermore, he can't even translate English into Japanese because he doesn't even know how to use a translation app (laugh).
Old ASD, if you feel frustrated, try reading this English sentence.
286: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)01:06 ID:??? AAS
Jazz board members, the old ASD is a mere pussy who doesn't even know about this famous incident that caused such a stir in the public.
Let's all laugh at him!
The old ASD is an uninformed person who has not checked the internet news, newspaper reports, news programmes, news programs, wide shows and weekly magazines.
He is the ultimate example of a person with poor information.
Oh, it's too embarrassing (big laugh).
↑Old ASDs should watch this, you weak-minded (chuckles)
The old ASD doesn't even have an English education because his educational background is a primary school graduate.
Furthermore, he can't even translate English into Japanese because he doesn't even know how to use a translation app (laugh).
Old ASD, if you feel frustrated, try reading this English sentence.
287: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)01:07 ID:??? AAS
Jazz board members, the old ASD is a mere pussy who doesn't even know about this famous incident that caused such a stir in the public.
Let's all laugh at him!
The old ASD is an uninformed person who has not checked the internet news, newspaper reports, news programmes, news programs, wide shows and weekly magazines.
He is the ultimate example of a person with poor information.
Oh, it's too embarrassing (big laugh).
↑Old ASDs should watch this, you weak-minded (chuckles)
The old ASD doesn't even have an English education because his educational background is a primary school graduate.
Furthermore, he can't even translate English into Japanese because he doesn't even know how to use a translation app (laugh).
Old ASD, if you feel frustrated, try reading this English sentence.
288: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)02:22 ID:??? AAS
Члены совета директоров Jazz, старый ASD - просто ссыкун, который даже не знает об этом знаменитом инциденте, вызвавшем такой ажиотаж в обществе.
Давайте все посмеемся над ним!
Старый ASD - это неинформированный человек, который не проверил новости в Интернете, сообщения в газетах, новостные программы, широкие передачи и еженедельные журналы.
Он - ярчайший пример человека с плохой информацией.
О, это слишком стыдно (большой смех).
к содержанию ↑ Старые АСД должны это смотреть, слабоумные (смеется)
Старый КАН даже не имеет английского образования, потому что его образование - выпускник начальной школы.
Более того, он даже не может перевести английский на японский, потому что не знает, как пользоваться приложением для перевода (смех).
Старый ASD, если вы чувствуете себя расстроенным, попробуйте прочитать это английское предложение (смех).
289: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)02:23 ID:??? AAS
Члены совета директоров Jazz, старый ASD - просто ссыкун, который даже не знает об этом знаменитом инциденте, вызвавшем такой ажиотаж в обществе.
Давайте все посмеемся над ним!
Старый ASD - это неинформированный человек, который не проверил новости в Интернете, сообщения в газетах, новостные программы, широкие передачи и еженедельные журналы.
Он - ярчайший пример человека с плохой информацией.
О, это слишком стыдно (большой смех).
к содержанию ↑ Старые АСД должны это смотреть, слабоумные (смеется)
Старый КАН даже не имеет английского образования, потому что его образование - выпускник начальной школы.
Более того, он даже не может перевести английский на японский, потому что не знает, как пользоваться приложением для перевода (смех).
Старый ASD, если вы чувствуете себя расстроенным, попробуйте прочитать это английское предложение (смех).
290: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)02:32 ID:??? AAS
爵士乐理事们,老 ASD 只是个娘娘腔,他甚至不知道这件在公众中引起轩然大波的著名事件。
老 ASD 是一个不了解情况的人,他没有查看过互联网新闻、报纸报道、新闻节目、新闻节目、大型节目和周刊。
↑ 老 ASD 应该看看这个,你这个弱智(大笑)
这位老 ASD 甚至没有受过英语教育,因为他的教育背景是小学毕业。
老 ASD,如果你感到沮丧,不妨试着读读这句英语。
291: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)03:11 ID:??? AAS
재즈판 여러분, 노년층 ASD는 세상을 떠들썩하게 한 이런 유명한 사건조차 모르는情弱의 극치입니다!
모두들 조롱해 주자 (대조롱)
노폐물 ASD는 나이 먹어서 인터넷 뉴스, 신문 보도, 뉴스 프로그램, 보도 프로그램, 와이드 쇼, 주간지
하나도 체크하지 않는 정보약자의 극치입니다!
아, 너무 부끄러워요 (폭소)
↑노폐물 ASD는 이것 좀 봐라 정약용 (냉소)
노폐물 ASD는 학력이 초졸이라 영어 교육조차 받지 못했습니다.
더군다나 번역 앱 사용법조차 모르기 때문에 영어를 일본어로 번역하는 것조차 할 수 없습니다 (웃음)
노폐물 ASD, 답답하다면 이 영문을 읽어봐라 (웃음)
292: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)03:39 ID:??? AAS
293: 2023/11/19(日)04:49 ID:ITl9buOF(1) AAS
294: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)16:28 ID:??? AAS
Jazz board members, the old ASD is a mere pussy who doesn't even know about this famous incident that caused such a stir in the public.
Let's all laugh at him!
The old ASD is an uninformed person who has not checked the internet news, newspaper reports, news programmes, news programs, wide shows and weekly magazines.
He is the ultimate example of a person with poor information.
Oh, it's too embarrassing (big laugh).
↑Old ASDs should watch this, you weak-minded (chuckles)
The old ASD doesn't even have an English education because his educational background is a primary school graduate.
Furthermore, he can't even translate English into Japanese because he doesn't even know how to use a translation app (laugh).
Old ASD, if you feel frustrated, try reading this English sentence.
295: 2023/11/20(月)09:22 ID:MvAu/JKL(1) AAS
296: 熊谷雄 2023/11/20(月)10:01 ID:??? AAS
Let's tell the truth.
The Kumagai in the YouTube video is actually Yuji Tachikawa of the theatre company Ghost.
297: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/20(月)21:09 ID:??? AAS
Another incompetent old ASD has been miserably defeated by the internet fraudster (code-99) Kumagai Yu-sama (great derision)
298: 2023/11/21(火)16:40 ID:??? AAS
299: 2023/11/22(水)09:42 ID:6i/4NdBw(1) AAS
300: 2023/11/22(水)18:54 ID:??? AAS
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