ジャズとしての藤井風 (313レス)
285: 熊谷雄 [sag] 2023/11/19(日)01:06 ID:??? AAS
Jazz board members, the old ASD is a mere pussy who doesn't even know about this famous incident that caused such a stir in the public.
Let's all laugh at him!
The old ASD is an uninformed person who has not checked the internet news, newspaper reports, news programmes, news programs, wide shows and weekly magazines.
He is the ultimate example of a person with poor information.
Oh, it's too embarrassing (big laugh).
↑Old ASDs should watch this, you weak-minded (chuckles)
The old ASD doesn't even have an English education because his educational background is a primary school graduate.
Furthermore, he can't even translate English into Japanese because he doesn't even know how to use a translation app (laugh).
Old ASD, if you feel frustrated, try reading this English sentence.
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