[過去ログ] (元)高知地裁の裁判官武田義徳は冷酷非情な犯罪者 (518レス)

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216: 2018/02/07(水)04:17 ID:LeaFqZ/I0(1) AAS
Disguise society and Panama document, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Bernardo

Sirlo Setsuko Hydro

"It is totally subordinate to the United States (of nuclear weapon states)" and fighter. "While insisting that the Japanese government aims to abolish nuclear weapons, assertions and actions are highly contradictory"

Francisco Pope made a speech at the memorial event of the war dead of World War II in central Italy,
While touching Japan's atomic bomb damage, "I do not think that mankind has learned lessons and I do not think he wants to learn."

He expressed concern that the threat to nuclear war is rising as the relationship between North Korea and the United States, which repeats nuclear tests etc., is strained.
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