[過去ログ] Bluetoothタグ反応について考察するスレ Part8 (1002レス)

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(6): (福岡県) (ワッチョイ a243-8qwV) 2022/03/12(土)16:08 ID:0l/72lQz0(4/12) AAS
・The security that is referenced in the document you shared has a ‘coupon,’ an interest rate (0.25%) and a redemption date (2022).
・There’s no way they could simply apply to have their common stock (equity/shares) delisted from the exchange like that. They would first have to buy them all back or call an extraordinary meeting to get shareholders to agree to the delisting

・ 17 CFR § 240.12d2-2 — which refers to securities that become part of “evidence” or fall under a “court order.”

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