[過去ログ] イベルメクチンってどうよ?Part. 30 (1002レス)
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427(1): (東京都) (ワッチョイW 8b58-2iIz) 2022/03/24(木)09:24 ID:DMT/l38K0(28/282) AAS
In Study 38166, male and female Wistar rats were given BNT162b2 as IM injection(s) into the hind limb on three occasions each a week apart (dosing days 1, 8 and 15). Different doses (10, 30, and 100 μg) were tested; the lower doses were given as a single injection of 20-70 μL, while the highest dose (100 μg) and controls were given as two injections (one in each hindlimb) of 100 μL each. The control was phosphate buffered saline/300 mM sucrose, corresponding to the storage buffer of the vaccine product. Each group had 18 male and 18 female rats, assigned as 10 to the main study, 5 for recovery groups and 3 as additional animals for cytokine analyses. The recovery period was 3 weeks after the last dose. Necropsy was performed on study day 17, ~48 hours after the last dose, and after the 3-week recovery period.
No unscheduled deaths were observed.
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