[過去ログ] 参政党代表・神谷宗幣「参政党は、たとえ何年掛かっても、必ず河野太郎と日本政府にmRNAワクチンの犠牲者に対する責任を取らせる。」 (1002レス)

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(1): ゼロノス◆z8hToT7ttU (ジパング) (オイコラミネオ MMab-D0KJ) 2024/11/15(金)02:59 ID:87DFhldRM(6/11) AAS
>>282 (つづき)

About MedinCell and Ivermectin against Covid-19

This expert review has been completed in parallel to the program launched by Medincell in March 2020 aiming at protecting from Covid-19 infection and its variants for several months with ivermectin.

MedinCell is developing a Long-Acting Injectable of ivermectin based on its BEPO® technology in the form of a pre-filled syringe, ready-to-use, with 24-month stability at room temperature. It will allow the formation of a small subcutaneous depot, fully bioresorbable, at the time of injection. It will act as a mini pump that releases ivermectin regularly until it disappears completely.

A first formulation candidate has entered preclinical activities of regulatory development in January.

As part of this program, MedinCell is currently completing a clinical trial aiming at demonstrating the safety of ivermectin when taken daily in oral form in order to simulate the continuous release of the drug by a long-acting injectable. After positive interim data published in December, full results will be made available in the coming weeks. They will support the regulatory review of the long-acting injectable formulation developed by MedinCell.
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