[過去ログ] イベルメクチンってどうよ?Part.78 (1002レス)
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345(1): ゼロノス◆z8hToT7ttU (ジパング) (オイコラミネオ MM1a-5ux3) 11/08(金)02:37 ID:RLY7rJmqM(19/44) AAS
>>344 (つづき)
Dr. Mike Yeadon
"Actually, it's something I need to mention. I've only learned in the last three weeks, and so you probably won't have heard it, but it all fits when I say it. You know that there was a- you know, 'Team Hero', the alternative media people. Not me, the people who are 100 times more famous around the world. I won't mention them at this particular point, but you all know who I'm thinking. So many doctors who are Americans. And as soon as the pandemic arrived, they came up with 'early treatment for Covid 19' didn't they? And they pushed and pushed and pushed. At first I thought there was a virus and said it was great that they were coming up with treatments.
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