[過去ログ] イベルメクチンってどうよ?Part.78 (1002レス)

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(1): ゼロノス◆z8hToT7ttU (ジパング) (オイコラミネオ MM1a-5ux3) 2024/11/08(金)02:38 ID:RLY7rJmqM(22/44) AAS
>>348 (つづき)

There's nothing major on the world stage that's accidental. Who put ivermectin there? Well, the perpetrators did. And why did they put it there? It's like if you don't get jabbed and avoid impacts on your fertility, a good chunk of you will take ivermectin instead. And it gets worse. And then I'll stop talking about this because I haven't written about it yet, but it's on my mind. There are lots of other supplements that the worried well take. And again, I had thought it was mainly a money making business. Right? A money making business. They'll sell you K2 or whatever it is. And there's loads of things I've never heard of. And you look at them in the health- the so-called health food store.
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