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▶ http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/
340: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/19(日) 00:00:00.50 ID:4ohMQLZU MRDIBBS & JEL - PRESAGE - [INVITATION TO HELL] 99/2000 https://mrdibbs.bandcamp.com/track/presage-invitation-to-hell-99-2000 http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/340
341: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/19(日) 00:09:59.95 ID:4ohMQLZU Mr. Dibbs - LIVE AT RED ROCKS https://mrdibbs.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-red-rocks 01. CINCINNATI RIOT ACT W/ JBIRD [INTRO] 02. LIVE @ RED ROCKS 9/17/23 03. TIME DISPLACEMENT W/ SLUG OF ATMOSPHERE [OUTRO] http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/341
342: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/19(日) 00:40:01.74 ID:4ohMQLZU Mr. Dibbs - The 30th Song https://mrdibbs.bandcamp.com/album/the-30th-song 01. Outreach 5 (feat. Fat John) 02. 1000 Drumps 03. I Hate Greg 04. Captain Splatter Patty 05. Machine 06. Rhythmic Soaring (feat. Jel) 07. Redout Brick Hemmorage 3.5 / Mental Herpes 08. Omega Prophecy (feat. Boo McAfee & Tommy Davison) 09. Delta Bound 10. Judeas Transmission 11. Thrice (feat. Slug) 12. Skin Therapy 13. 231 Ways to Fry an Egg 14. Porntablist (feat. DJ T-Rock) http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/342
343: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/19(日) 02:00:00.44 ID:4ohMQLZU Jel - JEL MIX MICE ELF https://jelsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/jel-mix-mice-elf 01. Presage - Divide and Conquer 02. Jel & Mike Patton - Sweet Cream (Redux) 03. Jel & Odd Nosdam - Tune In An Afternoon 04. Serengeti - Amnesia 05. Themselves ft. Aesop Rock - Know That To Know This 06. Sole - Sebago 07. DJ Krush ft. Black Thought - Zen Approach (Jel's 24 Hour SP remix/freak) 08. Main Attrakionz - Chap 3 (Jel freak) 09. 13 & God - Beat On Us (Jel freak) 10. Peeping Tom ft. Kool Keith - Get Away 11. Antonionian - Another Mistral (Jel remix) 12. Jel vs. 2Mex - D.I.Y. Partisan 13. Mr. Dibbs ft. Jel - Mental Herpes 14. Themselves - Gangster of Disbelief 15. Sole - Selling Live Water (Jel & Odd Nosdam Dead Food remix) 16. All Day Breakfast 17. Idiot Pilot - Morea The Locust (Jel remix) 18. Last Decade 19. Keep It Steady 20. Peeping Tom - Neighborhood Spaceman (Jel freak) 21. Them - It's Them (Jel freak) 22. Atmosphere - They're All Gonna Laugh At You 23. Jel ft. Wise Intelligent - WMD 24. Strictly 25. Jel & Odd Nosdam - Live @ The Crosby 26. Serengeti - Don't Blame Steve 27. cLOUDDEAD - Grey (Peel Session) 28. MWAHAHA - Sleep Deep (Jel & Odd Nosdam remix) 29. Jel ft. DJ Mayonnaise - Go (Away & Think) 30. Forget It http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/343
344: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/19(日) 22:00:00.37 ID:jWyUPI9D The House List - Ep. 120 - JEL'S A2D 2020 MIXX https://soundcloud.com/thehouselistpodcast/ep-120-jels-a2d-2020-mixx http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/344
345: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/19(日) 23:00:00.58 ID:jWyUPI9D Jel - Will Work 4 Free https://jelsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/will-work-4-free 01. Māori Stance 02. nomore pineclones 03. gabbiwalti 04. Fonnie Rost 05. Yoyoy 06. coachmen 07. BNMPBMPMP 08. March 1 18 09. newnu church 10. pudcast 11. jerrypablo 12. bigdrom 13. HamptGrand http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/345
346: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/20(月) 22:00:01.28 ID:b4h2p4vX themselves - Crowns Down https://doseone.bandcamp.com/album/crowns-down 01. BackIIBurn 02. Oversleeping 03. The Mark 04. Gangster Of Disbelief 05. Daxstrong 06. You Ain't It 07. Roman Is As Roman Does 08. Skinning The Drum 09. DeadCatClearII 10. Gold Teeth Will Roll http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/346
347: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/20(月) 23:00:00.42 ID:b4h2p4vX Dax Pierson & Robert Horton - Pablo Feldman Sun Riley https://daxpierson.bandcamp.com/album/pablo-feldman-sun-riley-2 01. Winterlong 02. When a stone speaks 03. Winterworld dub 04. Piece of the sun 05. Spring drive along the boundaries of nothingness (remix of Sublte) 06. Offguard 07. Living room music http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/347
348: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/21(火) 23:00:00.50 ID:zXia6UL/ Dax Pierson - Live In Oakland https://daxpierson.bandcamp.com/album/live-in-oakland https://ratskinrecords.bandcamp.com/album/live-in-oakland 01. A Snap Of The Neck 02. Soulpsang 03. Krafteno 04. Macrobid 05. Memory 06. Treading Water 07. Living Room Drive 08. For The Angels http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/348
349: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/22(水) 22:00:01.25 ID:HY4HfaHg Dax Pierson - Nerve Bumps (A Queer Divine Dissatisfaction) https://daxpierson.bandcamp.com/album/nerve-bumps-a-queer-divine-dissatisfaction https://ratskinrecords.bandcamp.com/album/nerve-bumps-a-queer-divine-dissatisfaction 01. Adhesion 02. For The Angels 03. Snap 04. I Slay The Pain 05. Catch 06. Keflex 07. For 2_24 08. NTHNG FKS U HRDR THN TM http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/349
350: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/22(水) 23:00:00.51 ID:HY4HfaHg Dax Pierson - Dax Pierson in the mix 4_20_2021 Polyglot, a late night radio show with Jesse Dorris on WFMU. https://www.mixcloud.com/daxpierson/dax-pierson-in-the-mix-4_20_2021-polyglot-a-late-night-radio-show-with-jesse-dorris-on-wfmu/ http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/350
351: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/23(木) 22:00:00.51 ID:EH/OXrfm Ratskin Records - Outsider Sounds and Visions : Episode 18: Guest Host : Dax Pierson https://www.mixcloud.com/ratskin-records/outsider-sounds-and-visions-episode-18-guest-host-dax-pierson/ http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/351
352: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/25(土) 00:00:00.71 ID:Zd/X020D Subtle - Earthsick https://open.spotify.com/album/72JRyAiSvLjMI7SgZisKtP 01. Flying Horse Plans 02. Eneby Kurs 03. Arsenic Chic 04. Earthsick 05. Jr's Band 06. Wallet Falls 07. Untitled 08. Less Populated Earth 09. Skullz 10. The Teeth Behind The Wheel http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/352
353: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/25(土) 01:00:00.53 ID:Zd/X020D Subtle - A New White https://subtlesubtle.bandcamp.com/album/a-new-white 01. Song Meat 02. I Heart L.A. 03. The Long Vein of the Law 04. Red, White, Blonde 05. Silence... 06. The Hook 07. F.K.O 08. Eyewash 09. Hand-Replacement 10. She 11. Stiff Fruit http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/353
354: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/25(土) 02:00:00.00 ID:Zd/X020D Subtle - For Hero: For Fool https://subtlesubtle.bandcamp.com/album/for-hero-for-fool 01. A Tale of Apes I 02. A Tale of Apes II 03. Middleclass Stomp 04. Middleclass Kill 05. Midas Gutz 06. Nomanisisland 07. The Mercury Craze 08. Bed to the Bills 09. Return of the Vein 10. Call To Dive 11. The Ends http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/354
355: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/05/25(土) 02:59:59.95 ID:Zd/X020D Subtle - Exiting Arm https://subtlesubtle.bandcamp.com/album/exiting-arm 01. ExitingARM 02. Day Dangerous 03. The No 04. Sick Soft Perfection 05. Hollow Hollered 06. The Crow 07. Unlikely Rock Shock 08. Take To That 09. Gonebones 10. Wanted Found 11. Providence http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/355
356: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/06/07(金) 22:00:00.78 ID:PmPzE3ug Video Dave X Controller 7 - ArticulatedTexTiles https://videodave.bandcamp.com/album/articulatedtextiles https://controller7.bandcamp.com/album/articulatedtextiles https://fakefour.bandcamp.com/album/articulatedtextiles 01. ForeWord 02. GoodBye 03. ScreenTime 04. ThePlugTune 05. PardonInterruptions wOpenMikeEagle+MCPaulBarman 06. SoupJoumou 07. FamilyTradition wIowaRockwell+CRĀVE+SmokeBonito 08. TortugasAndPapillons 09. YouTellMe 10. LeelooDallasMultipass 11. PassingLane wDessa 12. ImprovementWords wSTILLRIFT+AriTheIndigo 13. NothinMuch 14. BeesKnees wIowaRockwell+SurfboardC 15. BabyTalk 16. LongTermPlans 17. Index/Acknowledgements http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/356
357: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/06/07(金) 23:00:00.97 ID:PmPzE3ug Curly Castro, PremRock & Controller 7 - Nobody Planning To Leave https://shrapknel.bandcamp.com/album/nobody-planning-to-leave 01. Metallo 02. Dadaism 3 featuring Open Mike Eagle 03. Bogdan interlude 04. LIVE Element 05. Steel Pan Labyrinth feat. Onry Ozzborn + Lungs 06. Human Form 07. Nutkracker Blues feat. Breezly Brewin + D-Styles 08. Deep Space 9 Millie Pulled a Pistol 09. Kaishakunin 10. 8-Finga Piano feat. D-Styles 11. Uru Metal feat. E L U C I D 12. Sadatay 13. Illusions of P 14. Worry Doll http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/357
358: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/06/08(土) 01:00:01.05 ID:ZfgeDq0Y Meaty Ogre - Grenades! https://meatyogre.bandcamp.com/album/grenades https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mLWQMZdElqVi6v4XoPmQhKjpj1i6IFZL8 01. He Has a Grenade 02. Oh No, Run! 03. Put the Pin Back In 04. Projectile to the Nads 05. Toss It out the Bunker 06. Shrapnel in the Arm 07. Combing Through Mud 08. Mouth Full of Metal 09. Granadas! 10. Collapsed in Your Laps 11. Fragmentation Charges 12. Faulty Detonation Mechanism 13. Firing Pin in Your Face 14. Short Range Weapon Exchange 15. Kangaroos with Grenade Pouches 16. Lobbed One into Your Yard 17. Torn Apart by Rabid Dogs 18. Pomegranate Shaped Killers 19. Rpgs out the Tank 20. Oh Hello There, Little Friend 21. Iciclist 22. Blown into Bits 23. Fragged and Frigid 24. Deadly Pineapple Grip 25. Byzantine Fire Jar 26. Split and Quit 27. Anti Personel 28. Pull the Pin Out http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/358
359: CYBERPUNK [sage] 2024/06/08(土) 02:00:00.88 ID:ZfgeDq0Y Meaty Ogre - Escape From Grenades! https://meatyogre.bandcamp.com/album/escape-from-grenades-2 https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_ngKZlVHNYf3-tNr2oT00V0kpTIykxYT8s 01. Incoming! 02. Bleeding Out (feat. Still Rift) 03. Strike Commando (feat. Huey The Cosmonaut) 04. Kill Zone (feat. Grey Matter) 05. Savage Attack (feat. Buck65) 06. No Escape 07. Drop Grenades 08. Glass Ceiling (feat. Dove Rock) 09. Equalizer 2000 (feat. doseone) 10. Killing Fields (feat. Skech185) 11. Translate the Solder Lines (feat. Vyle) 12. Robowar (feat. Sixtoo) 13. Shirley Caesar (feat. Gaia Earthpeace) 14. Simply Red (feat. Hellsent) 15. Meaty Did It (feat. Pugs Atomz) 16. Deadly Pin Puller 17. Blow It All Away 18. It's 815 Tho (feat. Judah The Lyrical Rev) 19. Before I Explode (feat. Nickname) 20. Alive And Well (feat. 7x3=21) 21. Future Cult Leaders Of America (feat. Rich Jones & Defcee) 22. Shocking Dark (feat. Inf Pwr) 23. All I Can Do Is Pray (feat. Raju) 24. Eye Of The Eagle (feat. Mestizo) 25. Can't Escape This 26. Jungle Wolf (feat. Robust) 27. Brothers In Blood 28. Side A 29. Side B http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/cyberpunk/1705083600/359
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