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853: 2024/12/07(土)01:40 ID:m+onuq2Z(2/3) AAS
John Harrison - Creepshow (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
01. Prologue / Welcome to Creepshow (Main Title)
02. Father's Day
03. The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill
04. Something to Tide You Over
05. The Crate
06. They're Creeping up on You
07. Epilogue
08. Until the Next Time (End Title)
09. Satanic Piano (From "Tales from the Darkside")
10. Everybody Needs a Little Love (From "Tales from the Darkside")
11. Sorry, Right Number (From "Tales from the Darkside")
12. Overture (From "Mansions of the Moon")
13. Main Title Song (From "Shoobie Doobie Moon")
14. You Make Me Feel Like a Monster (From "Shoobie Doobie Moon")
あと 149 レスあります
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