[過去ログ] 【77】昭和52年度生まれのダメ人間 Part.111【78】 (328レス)
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21: 2021/10/04(月)18:50 ID:+6MbDEgi(1) AAS
Name:Anonymous:2018/02/06(Fri) 02:48:39.39 ID:japwSQWX

You guys make FOREX too hard
The stock is very mechanic, as long as the loss-cut is -2% and profit taking is 4% then it’s fine
Using this simple rule, I made my $820,000 profile into $140,000

Name:Anonymous:2018/02/06(Fri) 02:50:45.09 ID:4FXHcmB7

You won’t get good result on that…

Make the loss-cut is -5% and profit taking is 5%
With this I made my $400,000 into $12,000
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