Fuck China! (576レス)

529: David Beckham fan - Elena Oda Vintevecom 2011/12/04(Sun)10:11 ID:r3KA4N6eO携(1) AAS
Let me know if you have any trouble sarch [internet-tv tyosen soccer] at google only!
530: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 2011/12/20(Tue)03:09 ID:yOCAZ4Q50(1) AAS
Chink is fuck.
531: 2012/03/12(Mon)18:03 ID:bS4JvVwx0(1) AAS
grand china
532: 忍法帖【Lv=23,xxxPT】 2012/03/21(Wed)03:35 ID:QyEfuZ0H0(1) AAS
533: 2012/03/26(Mon)17:10 ID:lB7trrU80(1) AAS
Fuck Cena
534: 2012/06/23(Sat)06:25 ID:wybRyV120(1) AAS
My name is Fuk Yu Sit from China. Don't make fun with ny name
535: 2012/09/17(Mon)22:30 ID:k9Wui8U80(1) AAS
It can push down.!Communist Party of China
536: 2012/12/27(Thu)12:19 ID:3zu88eQJ0(1) AAS
537: 2013/01/07(Mon)19:08 ID:+1XV4spR0(1) AAS
fakku yu-
538: 2013/02/04(Mon)00:25 ID:9GRPBrYP0(1) AAS
Hey chink! You fucking son of a bitch! You ballless fucking people.
539: 2013/02/21(Thu)00:26 ID:DMM59W+B0(1) AAS
I found lost URL at Web Gyotaku,.but I don't understand what you wanted to say.
540: 2013/03/06(Wed)08:12 ID:hpB5g5zE0(1) AAS
541: 2013/03/07(Thu)00:31 ID:d7npq2Su0(1) AAS

This bullshit again?
542: 2013/03/11(Mon)19:34 ID:udW+5xPd0(1) AAS
china is the UNNKOest in the world.
543: yonar12 [yonar121@yahoo.com] 2013/03/11(Mon)23:36 ID:PMGMs6OB0(1) AAS
fuck japs
544: 2013/03/16(Sat)00:53 ID:Bwd39FUt0(1) AAS
Chinaman! You fuckin donkey!
You are the slave of Greater Japan!
545: 2013/05/02(Thu)09:22 ID:caXWMWqH0(1) AAS
china was founded in 1949 and ur hist is very short
fuck chinks!
546: 2013/05/09(Thu)08:11 ID:v68c9cN60(1) AAS
takeshima senkakushotou no rekishi ninshiki wo aratamero.kitachousen heno seisai wa imiganai.
547: 2013/05/13(Mon)09:54 ID:SZaigSSd0(1) AAS
Commy will be disintegrated anyway soon, and then dividing the country in peaces like Russia.
548: 2013/08/17(Sat) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:WAhv9Vo70(1) AAS
Chinese dream is world nightmare.
Chinese dream is world nightmare.

Please speak to world.
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