Board Users (715レス)
26: 2009/04/08(Wed)18:51 ID:NbqZUSQE0(3/6) AAS
Spanish is a language spoken in lands like Spain of course and most of Latin America.
27(1): G 2009/04/08(Wed)18:53 ID:x9tFTnKM0(4/14) AAS
You think English sounds cool?
Is it strange that I feel flattered? (I also have to wonder if this is like some reverse-weeaboo thing?)
28(2): 2009/04/08(Wed)18:53 ID:ZnBASOpl0(12/21) AAS
Spanish is the language Americans learn to accommodate all
the fucking spics infecting our country like cancer.
Well somebody needs to farm vegetables and paint houses I guess.
29(1): 2009/04/08(Wed)18:54 ID:vzQB9sUq0(10/15) AAS
what is spic?
30(2): 2009/04/08(Wed)18:55 ID:ZnBASOpl0(13/21) AAS
I'm willing to bet that you came from that /v/ thread talking about
the Japanese faggots crying about Vesperia going to the PS3.
31: 2009/04/08(Wed)18:55 ID:ZnBASOpl0(14/21) AAS
It's a racist term for a person of Spanish descent.
32(2): 2009/04/08(Wed)18:57 ID:NbqZUSQE0(4/6) AAS
Read the wikipedia article. What I meant by 'deal' is actually communicating with non-japanese users, it's just my choice of words.
33(2): 2009/04/08(Wed)18:57 ID:vzQB9sUq0(11/15) AAS
racist? i had beliebed america was the melt pot. i find stunning that you have racism. will i be hated too if i visit america?
34: G 2009/04/08(Wed)18:58 ID:x9tFTnKM0(5/14) AAS
That's correct. Didn't all of native English-speakers?
Damn. I don't think you should be so crass when explaining something new to someone, man.
35: 2009/04/08(Wed)18:58 ID:NbqZUSQE0(5/6) AAS
Continuing my post here since I got some lines are too long error.
Maybe I should use enter now and then lol.
Like >>20 said, this part of the board is I quote, merely an extension of the site that's open to the world,
just like Dejima was an 'extension' of Japan that was open to the world.
36(2): G 2009/04/08(Wed)18:59 ID:x9tFTnKM0(6/14) AAS
That's correct. Didn't all of native English-speakers?
Damn. I don't think you should be so crass when explaining something new to someone, man.
37: G 2009/04/08(Wed)19:00 ID:x9tFTnKM0(7/14) AAS
Oops. I thought my post didn't go through. Ignore this.
38: 2009/04/08(Wed)19:01 ID:ZnBASOpl0(15/21) AAS
Well "deal" usually has negative connotation, so I was merely making sure.
39(1): G 2009/04/08(Wed)19:03 ID:x9tFTnKM0(8/14) AAS
Sadly, nothing is perfect. Even in out "melting pot" society, racism, bigotry, and ignorance still persist.
However, not all people are close-minded. I daresay America is one of (if not the most) open countries, despite our flaws.
And, no, you won't be hated just for being a foreigner. Well, not by normal people.
40(3): 2009/04/08(Wed)19:03 ID:ZnBASOpl0(16/21) AAS
In fact I'm willing to bet that /v/ already consumes 90% of the posting population in this board
because of that thread on /v/.
41(1): 2009/04/08(Wed)19:05 ID:vzQB9sUq0(12/15) AAS
ah. korea is not well taken here, they deny but you can see racism.
42: 2009/04/08(Wed)19:06 ID:NbqZUSQE0(6/6) AAS
/v/-viral marketers, even for BBS.
43: G 2009/04/08(Wed)19:08 ID:x9tFTnKM0(9/14) AAS
What do Japanese people have against Korea?
44: 2009/04/08(Wed)19:08 ID:ZnBASOpl0(17/21) AAS
It was more of an attempt at crass humor then anything else.
America looks down upon racism in general, and certainly is very
culturally diverse. However there are certain racial stereotypes
that bother me personally. For instance,immigrants that don't learn
their country's native language and thus make everyone's life harder as a result.
I, as well as most people in America won't hate people simply because
of their culture or race.
45(1): 2009/04/08(Wed)19:13 ID:ZnBASOpl0(18/21) AAS
Passing off racial bias as "ignorance" is ignorant in and of itself.
The fact is, people of different cultures are more inclined to certain
behaviors, whether it be genetic or through influence. People who deny
this are the ignorant ones.
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