4chan (428レス)
123(2): 2012/07/16(Mon)23:29 ID:P9vS/fjC0(3/3) AAS
So you are not japanese
what are you from?
124: 2012/07/17(Tue)01:25 ID:pIPgaCMh0(1) AAS
I think he is japanese trying to troll and provoke. Which is why he is also replying
to himself, hoping to start a fight. But he doesn't realize we can see his ID.
Best to ignore the fool.
125: 2012/07/17(Tue)11:20 ID:liJ6KntBP(1/2) AAS
I'm from US
126: 2012/07/17(Tue)12:55 ID:234yixAj0(1) AAS
I think he's just a bored shitposter from 4chan bbs
127: 2012/07/17(Tue)13:32 ID:liJ6KntBP(2/2) AAS
All anime peoples are white :)
Japs are very very crazy lol
128(1): 2012/07/19(Thu)17:07 ID:gvBp6PhPP(1/4) AAS
Lets study English!
129(1): 2012/07/19(Thu)21:39 ID:gvBp6PhPP(2/4) AAS
Is this Japanese English text book?
Japs are very crazy lol
130: 2012/07/19(Thu)21:58 ID:gvBp6PhPP(3/4) AAS
They are very abnormal
Go to hell!
131(1): 2012/07/19(Thu)23:20 ID:u5gqEPRG0(1) AAS
You're digging your own grave, you know?
Hang in there. I'm sure things will get better!
132: 2012/07/19(Thu)23:56 ID:gvBp6PhPP(4/4) AAS
133: 2012/07/21(Sat)20:30 ID:QX56ACjPP(1) AAS
Fuckin nation
Japanese fackin nation!
134: 2012/07/22(Sun)10:23 ID:Z1wl494/P(1/4) AAS
I'm American
3.11 tsunami is very happy!
135: 2012/07/22(Sun)19:05 ID:Z1wl494/P(2/4) AAS
Japanease are not yellow people as you say.
Yellow refers Korean or Chinease,
Japanease regards as White fellow in western contories such as America and Europe.
136(1): 2012/07/22(Sun)21:14 ID:qDLfeAmP0(1) AAS
Im Japanese
9.11 was very happy.and the Hurricane Katrina too!
137: 2012/07/22(Sun)21:46 ID:Z1wl494/P(3/4) AAS
Nagasaki and Hiroshima is very happy for us!
Fuck yellow monkey!
Remember perl herber!!
138(1): 2012/07/22(Sun)22:31 ID:bsNCv4630(1) AAS
Oh Koreans... When will you learn?
139: 2012/07/22(Sun)22:53 ID:Z1wl494/P(4/4) AAS
What is it??
140: 2012/07/23(Mon)14:12 ID:hfwK8OluP(1/4) AAS
Hey japs, get out!
141: 2012/07/23(Mon)14:41 ID:hfwK8OluP(2/4) AAS
Fuck jap
142: 2012/07/23(Mon)17:34 ID:hfwK8OluP(3/4) AAS
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