4chan (428レス)
343(1): 2013/01/08(Tue)23:20 ID:kuaEChnMP(1) AAS
Many Korean people were killed by jap army
344: 2013/01/09(Wed)23:58 ID:08XTJ0NSP(1) AAS
Oh...Japan is fucking nation!
345: 2013/01/10(Thu)02:11 ID:hwAlMkS70(1) AAS
fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccck jap
346: 2013/01/12(Sat)14:25 ID:kmXEMlu1P(1) AAS
Jap is fucking fuck
347: 2013/01/15(Tue)01:43 ID:Vn2LYKDA0(1) AAS
Kimuchi smell is sooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooood
348: toorisugaru amekou @ nihongo benkyoutyuu 2013/02/07(Thu)08:55 ID:YTntqPmjP(1) AAS
Personally I like my English to be correct, and that includes the
capital letter at the beginning of the sentence, but yes, there are
lots of people on the intertubes who do not.
We call those people "children," "idiots," and "youtube commenters."
349: 2013/02/08(Fri)18:45 ID:qxGzEuvJ0(1) AAS
350: 2013/03/17(Sun)11:17 ID:7oqe2LbN0(1) AAS
korean go home
351: 2013/03/17(Sun)14:11 ID:nR49vu4S0(1) AAS
takesima wa nihon no sima nida
352: 2013/04/10(Wed)13:13 ID:MEPl22qJ0(1) AAS
353: 2013/04/15(Mon)08:36 ID:TvniCpSi0(1) AAS
korean go home
354: 2013/04/20(Sat)23:40 ID:c1/z6Im50(1) AAS
VIP kara kimasuta wwww
355: 2013/04/21(Sun)01:11 ID:NiZajI9v0(1) AAS
ore wa pink da yo---n wwwww
356: 2013/04/27(Sat)17:01 ID:xh0oBa2+0(1) AAS
is there any customized browser for 4chan work on windows?
357: 2013/04/30(Tue)10:18 ID:Vdq5qTbk0(1) AAS
let you google for me
358: 2013/05/02(Thu)07:17 ID:8evwQUhu0(1) AAS
Google is your friend
359: 2013/05/02(Thu)08:15 ID:caXWMWqH0(1) AAS
urz! yanky, go home xp
360: 2013/05/11(Sat)15:53 ID:7Q4QP/iq0(1) AAS
hey bungalow bill.
what did you kill?
bungalow bill?
361: 2013/05/14(Tue)09:46 ID:UYaQWFgm0(1) AAS
peoples are killing each other, now that is called war.
362: 2013/05/16(Thu)04:05 ID:0d6b+W+e0!(1/2) AAS
Can I even post here? I know you can't post on 2chan.net without a japan proxy or some shit..
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