4chan (428レス)

356: 2013/04/27(Sat)17:01 ID:xh0oBa2+0(1) AAS
is there any customized browser for 4chan work on windows?
357: 2013/04/30(Tue)10:18 ID:Vdq5qTbk0(1) AAS
let you google for me
358: 2013/05/02(Thu)07:17 ID:8evwQUhu0(1) AAS
Google is your friend
359: 2013/05/02(Thu)08:15 ID:caXWMWqH0(1) AAS
urz! yanky, go home xp
360: 2013/05/11(Sat)15:53 ID:7Q4QP/iq0(1) AAS
hey bungalow bill.

what did you kill?
bungalow bill?

361: 2013/05/14(Tue)09:46 ID:UYaQWFgm0(1) AAS
peoples are killing each other, now that is called war.
362: 2013/05/16(Thu)04:05 ID:0d6b+W+e0!(1/2) AAS
Can I even post here? I know you can't post on 2chan.net without a japan proxy or some shit..
(2): 2013/05/16(Thu)04:11 ID:0d6b+W+e0!(2/2) AAS
I want to move to Japan and become a network engineer.
I also have a fetish for long black hair! :D
I heard that Japanese are afraid of foreigners,
so now I don't know what to do...
I don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.

If I can't be a network engineer, I could also sell drugs.
I'm a very experienced drug dealer.
Japan's drug prices are crazy!
I could easily import cheap cannabis and live on that!!
I don't want to sell drugs, it's just an alternative plan.
364: 2013/05/16(Thu)12:06 ID:PikqTUmz0(1/3) AAS
no!!!Do not sell drugs in Japan!!!!
365: 2013/05/16(Thu)12:09 ID:PikqTUmz0(2/3) AAS
Fewer Japanese take such drugs than other developed countries.
366: 2013/05/16(Thu)12:18 ID:PikqTUmz0(3/3) AAS
I may have made a grammatically mistake.
Fewer people take such drugs in Japan than in other developed countries.
367: kisechan 2013/05/17(Fri)08:13 ID:fYQNk0G/0(1) AAS
sakki 4ch asobiniittayo
I do not speak English lol
368: 2013/06/05(Wed)20:33 ID:UtSWCya60(1) AAS
I as Japanese think we are NOT afraid of foreigners, but of talking in English.
Because almost of human is Japanese in Japan, we are not used to meet others.
And are not ready to use English.
But we don't have any idea of talking in Japanese language with foreigner.

Some companies in Japan adopt English as an official language within the company.
Uniqlo, Sharp, Rakuten, LifeNetSeimei...(all but Rakuten is unconfirmed)
This text tells about Rakuten.
Unify Your Global Company Through a Common Language
369: 2013/06/07(Fri)00:17 ID:L3CH2X2Di(1) AAS
370: 2013/07/25(Thu) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:xMuxeRPH0(1) AAS
The 25th of July.
It's the first day of summer break for students in Japan.
Happy summer break!
371: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(2+0:8) 2013/07/29(Mon) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:NMNYdU/zO携(1) AAS
372: 2013/08/01(Thu) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:UBeQGskx0(1) AAS
Sudden cold rain and wind killed three visitors
in Japan's central Alps a few days ago.
It sure is summer.
373: 2013/08/08(Thu) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:RA+kHU7Z0(1) AAS
4chan is stopping now?
374: 2013/10/16(Wed)21:17 ID:DXKpeNFMO携(1/3) AAS
Look,madoka of sousakuhappyou.
375: 2013/10/16(Wed)23:19 ID:DXKpeNFMO携(2/3) AAS
It no world in my japan.(T_T)
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