4chan (428レス)
86: 2012/07/07(Sat)22:57 ID:5ctJ0zDd0(1) AAS
Don't be sad!
4chan users is tsundere for Japan.
87: 2012/07/08(Sun)07:10 ID:gcdyIu9D0(1) AAS
88(1): 2012/07/08(Sun)18:19 ID:OUhMzyB1P(1) AAS
We dislike Japs
Remember perl herber
89(1): 2012/07/09(Mon)05:48 ID:MScJXFuX0(1) AAS
Typical war mongering korea trying to create tension between friends
90: 2012/07/09(Mon)08:33 ID:RKgGsgvv0(1) AAS
pearl herber is a inside job.
FDR knows its happend
91: 2012/07/10(Tue)13:46 ID:em43kSLMP(1) AAS
I talk about pearl herber...
Why Korea?
92(1): 2012/07/11(Wed)17:04 ID:oU1r3Xeb0(1) AAS
The truth is, many 4chan users these days are "normal people" who do not care or know much about Japan.
The users of some boards such as /a/ and /jp/ are "weaboos" (people obsessed with Japanese culture).
The weaboos are the ones who pretend to hate Japan the most.
They do this so they can avoid ridicule, because being a weaboo is a shameful thing.
More info:
93: 2012/07/11(Wed)20:48 ID:mKWloPCmP(1/2) AAS
94: 2012/07/11(Wed)22:27 ID:mKWloPCmP(2/2) AAS
Why Japanese dislike Gaijin?
95(1): 2012/07/12(Thu)01:19 ID:VnxYzUqQ0(1/2) AAS
>The truth is, many 4chan users these days are "normal people"
Further in Dejima, you can find people from 2008 who says exactly the same line.
It is never "these days". It's always been like this.
And do not use encyclopedia dramatica as a legitimate source. It is a site dedicated to parody, not explain.
96: 忍法帖【Lv=8,xxxP】 2012/07/12(Thu)02:16 ID:awiMJiot0(1) AAS
97(1): 2012/07/12(Thu)19:53 ID:PiXreEy1P(1) AAS
nip ching chang chong
98: 2012/07/12(Thu)23:57 ID:VnxYzUqQ0(2/2) AAS
such is the jealousy of one who cannot speak the divine language
99(1): 2012/07/13(Fri)01:10 ID:1a26kb080(1) AAS
Tha fact that it's a parody does not make the information in the article untrue.
100: 2012/07/13(Fri)03:13 ID:9n1AEE3C0(1) AAS
101: 2012/07/13(Fri)20:14 ID:wCKwBFsQP(1/2) AAS
Fuck sankaku complex
102: 2012/07/13(Fri)22:29 ID:bfDVUQuy0(1) AAS
Wh are you paid a money to 2ch. > suffix P user
Are you banned from 2ch?
your IP address can't be convert to hostname?
or maybe posting from school or company?
answer it
103: 2012/07/13(Fri)23:07 ID:wCKwBFsQP(2/2) AAS
104: 忍法帖【Lv=10,xxxPT】 2012/07/14(Sat)10:27 ID:9lABMFYk0(1) AAS
105: 2012/07/14(Sat)12:26 ID:8Elmz+fr0(1) AAS
But ED's "facts" is as credible as fox news. Their articles is written by
people often without proper knowledge. In fact, most of ED's userbase is from
/b/tards wanting to be "in" on history.
ED may be true, but it is also heavily biased by the randoms who is retarded
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