[過去ログ] ドングリシステムについて話しましょう (1002レス)
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84(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ 2024/03/31(日)13:42 ID:CAP_USER(12/41) AAS
I will look closely at Turnstile, but I don't think it can be effective for us because bots can generally already beat captcha.
Maybe I can make the DONGURI system work to beat bots, and of course that would not require UPLIFT.
86: 2024/03/31(日)13:45 ID:hcfUYhDk0(6/21) AAS
It works for the current bots. It will certainly lose in the future.
92(1): 2024/03/31(日)13:48 ID:JGK7p0zD0(4/5) AAS
the presen bot guy is just a big head scriptkiddie so he cannot beat captcha.
100(1): 2024/03/31(日)13:54 ID:Z4bEPb3F0(7/7) AAS
> I don't think it can be effective for us because bots can generally already beat captcha.
I haven't heard of cases whee bots defeated Turnstile.
Bots operate using a botnet, and their IP and cookies change with each post, necessitating them to complete the authentication process every time they post. This would make it impossible for them to post rapidly.
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