[過去ログ] ドングリシステムについて話しましょう ★6 (1002レス)
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89(5): ◆Coffee/dNk 警備員[Lv.0] 04/02(火)21:11 ID:GsSR9ngM0(6/12) AAS
105(3): ◆Coffee/dNk 警備員[Lv.0] 04/02(火)21:34 ID:GsSR9ngM0(10/12) AAS
180(4): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.20][新] 04/03(水)06:48 ID:CAP_USER(15/77) AAS
You earn XP each second automatically.
Should I create a progress bar that you can watch on donguri.5ch.net?
272(4): 警備員[Lv.1][新][貧] 04/03(水)16:09 ID:eqNkGBc+0(3/6) AAS
Since "貧" is discriminatory and hurtful to some people, how about "苗" instead?
399(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.4][新][苗] 04/04(木)07:36 ID:CAP_USER(30/77) AAS
The code to give 種子 to 警備員 was broken.
I just fixed it; now 警備員 should receive 種子 correctly.
402(3): ハンター[Lv.27] 04/04(木)07:51 ID:Nr5EPdKI00404(1/10) AAS
This is an idea I came up with
I'm glad if you can use it as a reference
・If a script troll appears, the momentum of the board will increase → When the threshold is exceeded, the system will automatically turn on Acorn mode
→Restrict level 0 writing
→If the momentum drops below the threshold, it will return to normal mode.
・Include capture authentication for posts below a certain level
・Hunters will hunt down the trolls who still surpass them
405(3): 警備員[Lv.3][新][苗] 04/04(木)08:06 ID:gYj2PKhr00404(2/2) AAS
ERROR: Acorn Error [broken_acorn]
問い合わせID: kes/86ecaa98ff778329
407(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.4][新][苗] 04/04(木)08:28 ID:CAP_USER(31/77) AAS
You’re welcome. Let’s make the Donguri system together.
Perfect idea.
Vehicles nowadays have crash collision detection. We can use a crash collision detection algorithm to know when vandalism reaches a board. If a board detects a crash, then writing by [新] can be temporarily restricted.
433(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.5][新][苗] 04/04(木)09:21 ID:CAP_USER(37/77) AAS
Is the 紀元 kanji incorrect? The english word equivalent should be "epoch".
IOS developers need to implement donguri themselves since I cannot update their browser applications.
I am working with the itest developers to install donguri on itest.
I think it is already working on itest in a limited capacity, and full itest compatibily should be available sometime soon.
482(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.5][新][苗]|0.01015499 04/04(木)13:07 ID:CAP_USER(47/77) AAS
Lets start with just 2 weapons and 2 armors.
We can add more later.
Which ones are most suitable?
502(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.5][新][苗]|0.01147077 04/04(木)14:28 ID:CAP_USER(53/77) AAS
Currently only the "acorn distribution" uses "期間流れ計".
In the near future, "期間流れ計" will be used by other functions as well.
514(10): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.5][新][苗]|0.01316568 04/04(木)15:04 ID:CAP_USER(57/77) AAS
Boards that enable `BBS_ACORN=1` even now already have a strong tool against vandalism and scripting.
The "game" portion can be played or not. It does not require active participation.
"Donguri" is going to give us many new ways to beat bots in an effective and user-friendly manner.
For instance:
1. It creates a reputation system.
- The reputation system beats bots by allowing users to recognize when new accounts are posting.
- The reputation system will allow HUNTERs to destroy ARASHI accounts with weapons [coming soon].
2. It allows us to defend against instant acceleration.
- When a thread (or board) becomes accelerated too fast, we can slow down new replies from users with a low reputation score.
518(3): ハンター[Lv.29]|0.59959257 04/04(木)15:34 ID:Nr5EPdKI00404(8/10) AAS
Writing does not work properly using a dedicated browser such as chmate. It appears that the level is insufficient.
Isn't it necessary to verify posts using major dedicated browsers before deploying to other boards?
I want to get rid of vandals, but it confuses general users.
547(4): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.72][木] 04/04(木)17:33 ID:CAP_USER(63/77) AAS
I will take a break now.
I am working on the attack function next.
I will try to finish the attack function before Saturday.
Thank you.
634(4): ハンター[Lv.92][木] 04/04(木)22:30 ID:GmrUhKM30(1/3) AAS
ドングリシステム / Donguri System
5ch の bbs.cgi に新規実装予定の機能。頻発する荒らしへの対策として開発中。
SUBJECT.TXT に BBS_ACORN=1 が設定された板で利用できる。
開発のフロントは「どんぐりキャノン ★」。
板に導入されると、状態に応じて書き込みが「ハンター / hunter」と「警備員 / guardian」に分類されることになる。
ハンターは有料サービスである UPLIFT の利用者向けに提供され、それ以外は警備員になる。
外部リンク:donguri.5ch.net からログインすることで、ハンターとして書き込み等ができるようになる。
718(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.17][新][苗] 04/05(金)09:40 ID:CAP_USER(65/77) AAS
I intended to make it the same display style as bitcoin.
1 bitcoin = 100,000,000 satoshi
1 donguri = 100,000,000 seeds
Maybe my explanation is not very good on donguri.5ch.net.
Do you guys want to help rewrite the introduction text on the bottom of donguri.5ch.net?
723(3): ハンター[Lv.99][木] 04/05(金)09:55 AAS
レベルが上がらない(経験値が入らない)のはスキルの設定を「研究 / Study」に戻すためのエントリーポイントがリンクとして表示できていないから。
756(4): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.72][木] 04/05(金)11:01 ID:CAP_USER(70/77) AAS
If you are talking about the phrase, "先走ってください", FOX asked me to write that there.
To me, it simply says, "Please go first".
If there is more nuance beyond my basic understanding, then I dont understand it.
802(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.75][木] 04/05(金)14:25 ID:CAP_USER(75/77) AAS
Right now there are 354 active hunters.
804(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.76][木] 04/05(金)14:30 ID:CAP_USER(76/77) AAS
I feel like this text is very ugly.
Is there a better way to format it?
種子残高: 111429536
ドングリ換算: "1.11429536"
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