[過去ログ] ドングリシステムについて話しましょう ★6 (1002レス)
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235: ハンター[Lv.22] 2024/04/03(水)12:42 ID:1hw8tpyu0(18/23) AAS
newsplus+ does not yet have the new version of the cgi.
I will ask someone to update that for me.
236(1): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.22] 2024/04/03(水)12:48 ID:CAP_USER(20/77) AAS
This progress bar does not work correctly yet.
I will fix it.
経験値: [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇_________]44%
237: ハンター[Lv.23] 2024/04/03(水)13:04 ID:1hw8tpyu0(19/23) AAS
I am adding this mark:
seeds < 10000000 = [貧]
238: 警備員[Lv.4][新][貧] 2024/04/03(水)13:08 ID:1hw8tpyu0(20/23) AAS
[貧] test
239: ハンター[Lv.23] 2024/04/03(水)13:09 ID:1hw8tpyu0(21/23) AAS
[貧] test
240(1): 警備員[Lv.0][新][貧] 2024/04/03(水)13:10 ID:83lBmcPq0(1/5) AAS
could you explain how levels and seeds related?
241(1): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.23] 2024/04/03(水)13:13 ID:CAP_USER(21/77) AAS
You gain experience each second automatically.
Experience is added up to calculate which level you are.
Once per hour, Donguri Base pays each hunter and guardian a little bit of seeds for their special work.
The more people that use donguri, the harder it will be to earn seeds.
242: 警備員[Lv.0][新][貧] 2024/04/03(水)13:16 ID:lquehe/50(1/3) AAS
Is this a game?
243: 警備員[Lv.1][新][貧] 2024/04/03(水)13:19 ID:83lBmcPq0(2/5) AAS
so level automatically increases by time, while you only earn seeds when you are using 5chan and its amount varies?
244(1): 警備員[Lv.1][新][貧] 2024/04/03(水)13:26 ID:lquehe/50(2/3) AAS
My experience points are negative. Why?
種子残高: 53712128
ドングリ換算: "0.53712128"
レベル: 25
経験値: [_____________________]-29% | [-2971/10408]
245(1): 警備員[Lv.2][新][貧] 2024/04/03(水)13:31 ID:76vO/0tt0(1/8) AAS
How can i shoot? like suiton? or using web form?
i can't wait o(^o^)o
!rocketkick 2chスレ:donguri
246(1): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.23] 2024/04/03(水)13:31 ID:CAP_USER(22/77) AAS
It is a floating point error.
I am trying to find a different algorithm to make a progress bar simply without floating point math.
247: 警備員[Lv.1][新][貧] 2024/04/03(水)13:37 ID:lquehe/50(3/3) AAS
I see, I understand now. Thank you!
248(2): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.23] 2024/04/03(水)13:39 ID:CAP_USER(23/77) AAS
There are a few more basic things we must install or fix before adding something like the old !suiton tool.
I think we can create a new !suiton function within a few days.
249(2): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.23] 2024/04/03(水)13:41 ID:CAP_USER(24/77) AAS
I almost have 1.0 donguri.
種子残高: 90502255
ドングリ換算: "0.90502255"
Should we make a badge for people who have a lot of donguri seeds?
250: 警備員[Lv.1][新][貧] 2024/04/03(水)13:43 ID:83lBmcPq0(3/5) AAS
251(1): ハンター[Lv.28] 2024/04/03(水)13:52 ID:LGRUaenq0(3/7) AAS
[貧] ↔ [富] are antonyms
252(1): 警備員[Lv.2][新][貧] 2024/04/03(水)13:57 ID:76vO/0tt0(2/8) AAS
I'll be waiting for setup. :)
253: どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.23] 2024/04/03(水)14:00 ID:CAP_USER(25/77) AAS
I will set this now.
seeds > 100000000 = "[富]"
254: ハンター[Lv.23] 2024/04/03(水)14:02 ID:1hw8tpyu0(22/23) AAS
It is an exciting time.
I think I fixed the progress bar...
Please let me know if the progress bar is broken for you now.
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