[過去ログ] どんぐりシステムについて話しましょう ★40 (1002レス)
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630: 警備員[Lv.10] 2024/05/21(火)15:20 ID:icLbfkXI0(5/6) AAS
631: 警備員[Lv.1][新警] 2024/05/21(火)15:20 ID:53FMyFpLM(5/5) AAS
632: 警備員[Lv.1][新警] 2024/05/21(火)15:22 ID:p1C6LKeYd(3/3) AAS
633: どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告] 2024/05/21(火)15:27 ID:CAP_USER(40/65) AAS
Your armor DEF is mininum 69. Its not very effective if my weapon's damage hits closer to 123.
This is my weapon:
【武器】[UR] 85~123 50 1% 光(97) 0 222000 マ
634(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告] 2024/05/21(火)15:28 ID:CAP_USER(41/65) AAS
You can use it as long as you have it.
We just wont make new ones.
635: どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告] 2024/05/21(火)15:32 ID:CAP_USER(42/65) AAS
I am going to require Hunters to wear armor/weapon if they want to shoot the cannon.
636(1): 警備員[Lv.5] 2024/05/21(火)15:32 ID:G3v94WkG0(2/6) AAS
After introducing the following command to create a thread, some users reported that they could not access the thread. Does this mean that the command is currently unavailable?
637(1): ころころ 2024/05/21(火)15:47 ID:PlZ5GAjc0(4/4) AAS
Can you link an example?
638(2): ころころ 2024/05/21(火)15:48 ID:OlCPksEr0(1/10) AAS
Please listen to >>603.
In fact, I think this damage calculation is WRONG.
- Water vs Earth: \( E = 0.8 - 0.05 \times (p_1 - p_2) \)
639(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.256][木告] 2024/05/21(火)15:49 ID:CAP_USER(43/65) AAS
Hunters must wear weapon/armor to shoot the cannon now.
This change will eventually segue into the bounty system.
640: 警備員[Lv.23] 2024/05/21(火)15:52 ID:OlCPksEr0(2/10) AAS
But I might be wrong in >>638
I'll check again
641(1): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木告] 2024/05/21(火)15:52 ID:CAP_USER(44/65) AAS
>>603 >>638
This is the actual code. Would you like to check it?
elementalScaling :: Float
elementalScaling = 0.05
elementalEffectiveness :: Maybe (Element Int) -> Maybe (Element Int) -> Float
-- Main elemental cycle: Lightning > Air > Earth > Water > Fire > Ice > Lightning
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Lightning !potency1)) (Just (Air !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Air !potency1)) (Just (Earth !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Earth !potency1)) (Just (Water !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Water !potency1)) (Just (Fire !potency2)) = 1.2 + elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency1 - potency2)
642: 警備員[Lv.5] 2024/05/21(火)15:53 ID:G3v94WkG0(3/6) AAS
It has disappeared over time, but when I checked the thread when it was created, it was visible from a web browser, but when viewed from a 5ch viewing tool, it displayed "404".
643(2): 警備員[Lv.3] 2024/05/21(火)15:55 ID:ZRGaHM2f0(6/13) AAS
> ハンターが大砲を撃つには、武器や防具を身につける必要がある。
644(2): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭] 2024/05/21(火)16:00 ID:CAP_USER(45/65) AAS
Do you think we should put this info in the FAQ?
645(1): 警備員[Lv.5] 2024/05/21(火)16:01 ID:G3v94WkG0(4/6) AAS
Currently, a malicious hunter named "f00a8bf6" is firing indiscriminately in this thread. Even if I become a hunter and post on the thread, no battle begins with me, and I am shot at unilaterally. Since he is purposely not equipped with weapons or armor, this seems to be a malicious method that exploits a loophole in the system. Please take measures.
646(1): 警備員[Lv.23] 2024/05/21(火)16:03 ID:OlCPksEr0(3/10) AAS
It's simple.
- Water vs Earth: \( E = 0.8 - 0.05 \times (p_1 - p_2) \) is wrong.
It should be like this.
- Water vs Earth: \( E = 0.8 - 0.05 \times (p_2 - p_1) \)
647(3): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭] 2024/05/21(火)16:04 ID:CAP_USER(46/65) AAS
That is fixed now.
He must wear armor and a weapon to shoot.
648: 警備員[Lv.25] 2024/05/21(火)16:04 ID:XNLFCUkt0(4/4) AAS
>>643 >>620でいいと思うが
649(1): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.257][木臭] 2024/05/21(火)16:05 ID:CAP_USER(47/65) AAS
Like this?
-- Reverse of the main elemental cycle
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Air !potency1)) (Just (Lightning !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Earth !potency1)) (Just (Air !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Water !potency1)) (Just (Earth !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Fire !potency1)) (Just (Water !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Ice !potency1)) (Just (Fire !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
elementalEffectiveness (Just (Lightning !potency1)) (Just (Ice !potency2)) = 0.8 - elementalScaling * fromIntegral (potency2 - potency1)
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