[過去ログ] どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレッド ★2 (1002レス)
次スレ検索 歴削→次スレ 栞削→次スレ 過去ログメニュー
745: 警備員[Lv.12] (キュッキュW) 09/09(月)12:09 ID:hnCVMbtJ00909(1) AAS
746: 警備員[Lv.17][新] (キュッキュW) 09/09(月)12:12 ID:B0XJkB9600909(1/2) AAS
747: ハンター[Lv.731][木] (キュッキュW) 09/09(月)17:48 ID:jw3OlHvv00909(1) AAS
Good Evening Mr. DonguriCanon
How is the market implementation progressing?
We hope we can have more fun in the coming days.
Could you inform us the approximate date that the funcion is in enjoying state ?
748(1): 警備員[Lv.19] (キュッキュW) 09/09(月)18:39 ID:B0XJkB9600909(2/2) AAS
749: ArtX ◆44mDe.EXFS/R ハンター[Lv.932][森] (キュッキュ) 09/09(月)19:32 ID:LUj53Vu800909(1) AAS
すみません。間違えて撃ってしまいました ⤵ ⤵
750(1): 警備員[Lv.11] (キュッキュ) 09/09(月)20:09 ID:mgTQHqin00909(1) AAS
751: 警備員[Lv.13] (キュッキュW) 09/09(月)21:08 ID:qZtAFB+I00909(1) AAS
752: 警備員[Lv.31][苗] (キュッキュ) 09/09(月)21:11 ID:Hr8dQS0S00909(1) AAS
To どんぐりキャノン★
The timing of obtaining items for ``Exploration'', ``Mining'', and ``Lumberjack'' has been unified.
We have abolished the system where the amount of items obtained depends on the skill selected at the time.
The amount of items obtained for "Exploration", "Mining", and "Lumberjack" depends on each skill.
I would like it to be adjusted to maintain balance.
For example, let's say that exploration and mining are both at the same level, 300.
From exploration, you can obtain 30 iron keys at 1/10 of your skill level three times per season.
If you balance this, mining will start at the same time.
Iron at the same time as getting the iron key, same as skill level, 300 each
I think it would be appropriate to just get it.
753: ハンター[Lv.276][UR武][SSR防][木] (キュッキュ) 09/09(月)21:56 ID:I2b+W2PW00909(1) AAS
754(1): ArtX ◆44mDe.EXFS/R ハンター[Lv.933][森] (ワッチョイ) 09/10(火)03:04 ID:3RPMrzHA0(1/3) AAS
Hello ! Mr. DonguriCanon.
Please add the ability to sort items in the item bag.
A simple sort is fine.
Thank you in advance.
( From top to bottom. UR → SSR → SR → R → N )
755(1): ハンター[Lv.575][森] (ワッチョイ) 09/10(火)04:22 ID:s7GrLvSQ0(1) AAS
756: ArtX ◆44mDe.EXFS/R ハンター[Lv.934][森] (ワッチョイ) 09/10(火)06:35 ID:3RPMrzHA0(2/3) AAS
That method would be to consume marimo.
My hope is for a one-click sorting feature, even if it is a simplified one.
757: 警備員[Lv.67][N武][N防] (ワッチョイW) 09/10(火)07:29 ID:cw7PlmVh0(1) AAS
758: ハンター[Lv.733][木] (ワイーワ2W) 09/10(火)12:45 ID:Aw0BAztTF(1) AAS
759(5): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.114][UR武+20][UR防+15][森] 09/10(火)13:58 ID:CAP_USER(72/94) AAS
Hello everybody.
How are you today?
760(1): ハンター[Lv.860][SSR武+57][SSR防+40][森] (JPW) 09/10(火)13:59 ID:aM4MR8pOH(1) AAS
When will the market be implemented?
761(1): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.114][UR武+20][UR防+15][森] 09/10(火)14:03 ID:CAP_USER(73/94) AAS
I am working on it still. Soon.
762(1): 警備員[Lv.163][森] (オッペケ) 09/10(火)14:05 ID:HkkVoAvHr(1/4) AAS
Hi Mr. Donguri Canon
I think the effect of the water attribute is too weak, could you please correct it?
763: ハンター[Lv.734][木] (オイコラミネオ) 09/10(火)14:08 ID:gJuaPVXAM(1/3) AAS
I wait for it only.
Please install it ASAP!
764: 警備員[Lv.63][UR武][SSR防] (ワッチョイ) 09/10(火)14:08 ID:r3GAKpzd0(1) AAS
If you don't mind, could you please tell me what country you live in?
あと 238 レスあります
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