[過去ログ] どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★8 (1002レス)
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(7): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.126][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森] 2024/12/01(日)19:34 ID:CAP_USER(2/26) AAS
Our team also made an Android app, but I did not make it myself so I cant confirm if it works well or not.
Last I heard, they are trying to get approved on the Google Play Store. I dont know how long that will take.
372: ハンター[Lv.668][木] 2024/12/01(日)19:41 AAS
Are Android users at a disadvantage if an Android app is delayed?
374: 警備員[Lv.1][新芽] 2024/12/01(日)19:41 ID:pKgZ9DVf0(1) AAS
What if I ask the android Mate author?
It's bad when amateurs do unnecessary things.
391: ハンター[Lv.887][森] 2024/12/01(日)20:36 ID:1N73ogi50(10/12) AAS
At around 7:22 AM Japan time, I opened a large treasure chest and my item bag was initialized.
All of the items I originally had are gone, and now I only have the new items that came from the treasure chest.
The number of slots in my item bag has also been reset to 40.

I would appreciate it if you could recover my data.
(2): ハンター[Lv.887][森] 2024/12/01(日)20:41 ID:1N73ogi50(11/12) AAS
395: 警備員[Lv.140][N武+2][N防+2][苗] 2024/12/01(日)20:48 ID:TuJtnYB20(2/2) AAS
I too opened a treasure chest in the 5518th period and my item bag was reset and items disappeared.
I have emailed you my ID so please restore it.
(1): 警備員[Lv.89][苗] 2024/12/01(日)20:59 ID:ij1Rqh7R0(1) AAS
In addition to the other problems that people are posting,
many people report that now even if someone without weapon and armor is shot,
his level does NOT become 0.
Or it may be 0. But the problem is, he can start posting immediately again.
So canon is virtually meaningless. This is reported since 2-3 weeks ago.

Did you change the setting to this? or is it just a bug? If it's a bug, please fix it.
517: 警備員[Lv.14][新] 2024/12/02(月)07:24 ID:lfbY+Q7y0(1) AAS
>>290,301 >>361,369,414
> Ron @CodeMonkeyZ
> I did not quit maintenance. I spent last month working on improving SEO and this month I made an iOS app.
> I am waiting for Appstore approval and fixing bugs. After that, I will resume with routine maintenance.
> I think app store will be approved next week because right now is thanksgiving.
> 12:18午前
> Thank you. We are waiting for you for appearing BBS thread. Please write to it.
> 3:31午前
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