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577(1): JT潰しに対する一考察Menades'Ver Part1 ◆Akina/PPII 2022/11/01(火)18:40 ID:0feUO34A(25/30) AAS
Dear Sir or Madam
Nice to meet you and hello. How are you doing?
Thank you very much for giving me a loving, heartwarming, kind, truly brilliant and readable beautiful letter to me.
Thank you so much for sending me your message.
All your friends and associates are truly wonderful.
I don't know who your leader is, but a whirlwind of gratitude is brewing right now as a tremendous number of your followers are giving beautiful and eye-pleasing images to even a novice like me.
You all have such wonderful personalities.
I was just reading this with a thrill in my heart. I am translating, but I hope you will understand that.
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